I’m in grad school. My thesis is concerned with morality. The concepts of “doing right,” what is right,” and “justice in general” are unsurprisingly prevalent.
I’m in grad school. My thesis is concerned with morality. The concepts of “doing right,” what is right,” and “justice in general” are unsurprisingly prevalent.
Who finds work first, Pitino or Sosa?
Clearly this woman is not the most cerebral person you’re gonna come across, but do you think she knew her meme was LGBTQ-inspired?
Not even one single “real bozo” or “bozio” joke. See... I’m not good at jokes, that’s why I rely on you guys... I’m not mad, just disappointed.
Impressive logic, I’d have to characterize it as undeniable truth... but nonetheless incomplete. You’re neglecting to factor in flip-flops. Don’t discriminate against the slides. Apparently you are not aware of what scary black people are capable of when wearing flip-flops.
First off, the “why kill her she’s already dead” argument makes no sense. Ya know who doesn’t star in TV shows, corpses. Yes, there is really fertile ground for jokes here, but sarcasm aside, ya don’t keep dead bodies around either.
Is Ambien exclusively for racism or can it be used universally?
Yeah... that was my first sentiment too. The injustice of it really hit me when I was young and naive, now the notion of justice is just as laughable as the film.
“Coming to America” has long been one of my all-times favs. I would like to submit a 1B option, Eddie Murphy’s other all-time great buddy comedy... Life. The most quoted movie that people don’t even know they’re quoting, by people you know who I mean.
This is why Minor League Baseball is so important
I mean...
I mean... to continue your thread, it’s pretty simple. Leave something in the theater you need to retrieve, for single people or a couple, say a purse, for a family, say your children. Complain, get tickets refunded, go back to theater to “retrieve” what was left, sit down and watch now free movie.
If there was no “Eat a W” clip in the article I would have lost faith in everything Deadspin, faith and for that matter journalism in general is restored.
Serious question: Am I the only one who can’t actually bring themself to watch the clip, either the one where she initially makes an ass of herself or the news interview?
Sure it could be they are as dumb as people think they are but... doesn’t this also indicate just how many of these hate-filed “people” are actually just bots.
The secret to success?
I was like, “but what did the cops do?” I checked over five local SF news webpages and only one referenced an IG post by the lady who endured the harassing. She said the cops didn’t even bother showing up. I really hope that BBQ Becky pegged there B.S. meter and they were like, “nah... nope...not today Patty!”
I mean... any white person that reads the Root daily, especially Mike’s work, does not see the headline “The Oppression of White America” and think “Finally! Some investigative journalism on why I’m the victim... by a BLACK GUY. Can’t wait to read this... oh... huh... wait a minute.”
She’s saying, “Kill people, it will save tax dollars.” I know, it’s common but it actually makes more angry when I continually hear people rationalizing brutality because it is cost effective.