Bevraj of Choice


Idiot. +1

So you're telling me the gun wasn't concealed inside his cranium?? Wow, thanks for the heads-up, friend. I feel like a fucking idiot.

You see, people? This is exactly why full body scanning, while off-putting, is very necessary. Had the TSA not scanned Bowers' seemingly empty head he might've gotten away with it.


Well, I guess what his dad told him so many years ago still rings true today. Regardless of what people may say about how you look, it's what's on the inside that counts.


At first I thought Pistorious was guilty as sin, but now it sure looks like a frame job.


And if that wasn't already enough bad news for Mat, he also found out that he was just traded to Toronto, so his mom isn't even allowed to visit him.

Hopefully someone can find a loophole in that dog ban or I foresee some forfeited games in the Astros' future.


In a related story, Kobe Bryant was finally credited with an assist.



Wow, that's quite the remedy for insomnia. It even helps those around you get a big sleep.



Karlsson needs to brush up on his mythology. Everyone else on the ice had their Achilles protected by Styx.
