
White nationalists find fruits and vegetables repellent. They’re happy with Velveeta and they get their “meat” by eating each other’s shit. There’s still that tiny little issue having to do with all those immigrant health care professionals and assisted living employees they will have to overcome.....

There is no arguing your pathetic brand of sad nationalist loserdom. You only prove how poorly we have evolved as a nation an in larger part as a species. The thing about life, though, is that there is no escaping death. We die the way we live. As a health practitioner, I can tell you firsthand how every now and then

I’m tired of subsidizing Goldman Saks, Bank of America, Exxon, Citibank, Royal Dutch Shell, Walmart, China National Petroleum, and Berkshire Hathaway, to name just a few. I have no problem subsidizing the lives of real people though.

Your family’s bullshit pipe dream is not superior by virtue of the fact they were here “earlier”. And because you were quite possibly a consequence of their good fortune, why don’t you shut the fuck up, count your blessings and call it a day. There is more than enough for everyone, asshole. This country is far from

This from the network that live streams every fart, burp, and whistle Trump has made for the last 2 solid years. They would hire Steve Bannon tomorrow if they had the chance. CNN have become Cuck #1 in cable news. Looking at you, Jeff Zucker.

I think you also made a mistake. For all intents and purposes.


Saw him in person and I gasped at the size of his head. It’s as big as his torso!

What did we do before we had this gaggle of grifters to remind us of what is “sad”?

I have never laid eyes on this “show” before suffering through that clip and I have to say, it made me feel really good about not owning a TV and for having hobbies.

The Trump’s are famous for confusing “Fundraiser” with Pyramid Scheme.

Because Christian white trash ratings.

Republicans are good at one thing: creating a stench, wherever they are.

Was there some danger in that speculation? As a nurse, it makes sense that you might not make that kind of a statement.

I don’t know; maybe because millions of so called “patriots” keep the careers of Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones alive and those same robots voted for a “businessman” who “tells it like it is” who incited violence at is pep rallies and is a proven sexual predator? Steve Bannon is part of the administration. This

Yeah, I’m still trying to make sense of the double standard here. You see, I always thought that the Commander In Chief was held to a higher standard, but President Money got elected by promoting hate speech, violence, and by spreading non-truths about his predecessor. A comedienne being “investigated” for a

It happened in Palm Beach County, home of famous white drug addicts such as Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump who are probably never stopped for driving while impaired. Just sayin.

Caviar pretzels!

What does a Twitter PR campaign from the far left for jihadists look like? Could you post an example because I’m sincerely curious.

I look forward to the establishment of a holiday which memorializes rich, selfish, clueless cunts of both genders who are tried and imprisoned for crimes against humanity, including treason, using political offices for self enrichment, and for being entirely devoid of shame.