
The sole redeeming positive quality!

Have you seen the video for "Clues" though? Yeah, there's nothing Don Draper like in that. If memory serves he's jumping around on colored blocks like Tom Hanks in Big

Ditto! Sure as hell wasn't going to hear the likes of Roxy Music, The Waitresses, and the like on WPYX106, or 92FLY. Early MTV was part of making me the music geek I am today.

The "kidz" here in DC are all about releasing their records on cassettes now. I say kidz b/c anyone who lived through the era of cassettes knows how utterly fucking awful they were, and so thus, how utterly fucking stupid it is to release your record on one today.

He was downright fucking amazing in the movie version of The Normal Heart.

Interesting point…that song that was playing in the car when Don got "pulled over"? It was a song by Merle Haggard (I think), and it was used by conservatives to promote themselves and homespun values over those wild hippies. So I wondered about Don going from laced up conservative type to shedding that somehow.

Yeah i was confused by that. when he went into the motel office, why didn't he say something like, "I got your money back." He just walked in and tossed it on the counter.

When he was talking to Sally, he did say he had to get going b/c he wanted to talk to the boys before they went to bed.

Didn't Lane sport a Mets pennant in his office? The assistant (?) with Peggy in the SCDP office put on a Mets cap

Sadly, having known a person involved with the Newsweek lawsuit, that actually WAS typical bullshit that women had to deal with at that time.

Or John Waters with long hair!

Maybe they both liked octopus porn

the scene with Ferg, and then with Hobart? I was literally nauseous

This was the start of women standing up and saying "fuck you" in the workplace. It actually happened at Newsweek and others, as Joan said. But for the dudes in place at the time, well….no one really does well with change

What I found interesting was Ted watching Don leave the meeting…he knew Don wasn't coming back

Is that what the hell she was doing?? I sat there wondering if she was mining for something I know I didn't want to see…

Always loved this show. Where I'm originally from, radio consisted of classic rock and crap Top 40. I remember learning there was other music and styles out there thanks to Square Pegs.

Hey where's Steve Foley?

I live in DC darling, some of my best friend are effeminate butch tops. I just assumed LaLa as a bossy bottom

Ok but COME ON, who here believe Lafayette was a top, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???