
As a woman who is in the tech industry and has been for years, it totally is possible. This industry isn't about fashion, it's about brains. Richard's wicked smart, and Monica sees that. She also sees he's a pretty good person overall, and not a complete social moron, even if he is awkward. Smart is very sexy, people.

"But the fact that “Dr. Seuss Bible” aired only once on HBO, and was totally banned in the Kids’ native Canada"….I KNEW it! I saw the original and laughed like a lunatic. After that, I always recorded the marathon showings on Comedy Central so I could capture that skit again, with no success. I always assumed that

The greatest skit EVER…. And the Buddy Cole ones…and Simon and Hecubus…and the little kid who wants to paint the chair….These guys were undergrad for me

other thoughts…Pete Campbell still makes me throw up in my mouth a little. He's such a phony through and through. And MAN DO I WANT MEGAN'S CAR DAAAAMN

One thing I think that the episode commented on, though more subtle, was the plight of women in the professional world at that time. Peggy got passed over for the lead job, Joan's not taken seriously (the guy keeps wanting to meet with Ken)…Woman were in taken a little more seriously in the workplace-a secretary