Betty Slocombe

Someone said it well last week: “Jezebel isn’t even trying anymore.”

They are both terrible.

A purity test she built for herself. A purity test she weaponizes against everyone else.

It’s not great that she voted “present” instead of taking a stand, and it’s not great that she apparently did so for cynical political reasons (also, in the end, it’s not going to stop the criticism, it’s just a matter of changing the attack ad copy from “AOC voted ‘No’ on protecting Israeli lives” to “AOC refused to

This is ridiculous, she put her own personal agenda before what she felt was right.  Isn’t this the very thing most progressives complain about?

Disclaimer: I’m dumb and confused.

But Hilary just didn’t INSPIRE me. 

It’s really a none of your business issue.

I read an interesting bit on Malicious Compliance about how to effectively make a data set useless... and while it is tempting to harass high profile figures, most data managers can easily account for that.  They key is to flood the database with random, inconsistent, poorly structured data such that the data set as

As a former 'elder millennial' who just learned she needs surgery in not one but both hips....#callmebymyname (geriatric millennial)

It is medically impossible to resist that temptation.

ballet flats are the worse. I think I hurt bones in my feet more wearing them. Arch support should be human right. 

Ok, but pole dance was invented by strippers. If you have a problem with being compared to stripper then do some other type of workout. If you have to talk shit about stripper to feel better then you should try another type of work out.

I’m glad you talked to a stripper in this article and I 100% want to echo her (current pole instructor, past stripper here). Wearing clothes made for the club while not actively working towards decrim and the repeal of fosta/sesta is straight up appropriation. I’m talking about the mirco-kinis too that I’m seeing lots

Who’s that one dude remind me of?

It was patently obvious when he was nominated why Carrotface von Golfcart nominated this idiot and everybody knew it. It’s just that the Republicans in the Senate were to afraid of being primaried by one of His Orangeness’s legion of followers that got him confirmed. His performance and lack of professional demeanor

Lots of Republicans not happy about Trump, voting for Biden (or other candidates), and even campaigning actively for Biden. I don’t think RDJ was ever a heavily conservative Repub.

if chris christie didnt exist he might. 

Bet it gets renewed. In other Netflix news, Teenage Bounty Hunters - one of the few good shows, nay, things, to happen this year - was cancelled. There is truly no justice in the world.

The phrase ‘Bad apple’ comes from ‘one bad apple spoils the bunch’ because the bad apple releases gas that make the others go bad.