
Well the movie was quite a bit better than this piece about it, that’s for sure!

NY Mag did an interview with the same guy, and it was a little more respectful than Dan’s but that moment was so, so funny.

and scarves!

FALSE. Summer is the worst season because it’s too hot and I don’t get to wear lots of awesome, cozy layers.

Oh THANK GOD! I have been waiting for Amy to realize she’s too good for Nick Kroll. Ew.

Love this so much. I’ve long been a fan of Heyer’s work but I’ll have to seek out some other works within this same genre. It was lovely to learn so much about her background and the larger body of works published in the same style as hers.

This makes me so happy! Now I wish I had watched Jeopardy.

This made me ugly laugh and snort at work. Thank you.

This is wonderful. Thank you for writing this! I learned so much from it.


I love Wilkie Collins!

Thank you! I can love an adaptation of an obviously fictional account in that time period without thinking “Gee, I sure wished I lived in that time!” yet still enjoy the costumes and characters.

I love both of those shows but even I can acknowledge that they only show one (fictionalized & romanticized) aspect of that time period and life for people in it. This lady’s extended cos-play is ridiculous.

Yup, this dude is totally innocent *rolls eyes*

This really boils down to a common problem that people ignore: WORDS HAVE MEANING. “Chemical” does not mean what people think it means (or the way they commonly use it in this instance). I think “additive” is a better term. Any other suggestions? I think people are more concerned about, like, the yoga mat bread from

What in the actual f*ck?! I need to stay off the internet before I give up on the world.

I LOVE that movie but that character is so cringe-worthy it makes it hard for me to watch now.

I mean, duh. This always seemed sort of obvious to me. On the rare occasions when I do gush about my husband on a public forum rather than to his face I always feel slightly embarrased afterward. lol
