
A lot of these people are just straight up assholes (and dumb). That lady who dumped the soda all over the condiment counter?! What the hell lady! This is why everyone should have to work a service job at some point in their lives so they know how to not treat the people who serve them like a bit jerk. UGH.

I watched this when I was 16 and it totally gutted me. I remember just staring at the tv blankly thinking “What the FUCK!” It had such an impact because it felt like those kids could be someone I know - it felt really real to me. And that was terrifying.

I’m definitely more of a make-up girl (though I do love the occasional face scrub/ mask) so I’ve been looking at Ipsy and Glossy but my friend really loves Birch. It’s hard to decide!

Sparkles all day, err day!

Someone convince me to subscribe to one of these! I can’t choose one and I’m also on a somewhat tight budget. Which box is your favorite, oh sweet Jezebels?

I fucking love these. I hope we find out who these women are and/or who the photographer is! Medium format makes my heart go pitter patter

Just stop it Gwyneth!

I went out to brunch with a friend and his new girlfriend and she asked “Are your eggs from chickens?”
Waiter: (confused look) “yes, we don’t have an ostrich farm out back or anything”
Girlfriend: “Wait, Ostriches lay eggs too?!”

She got a waffle. They broke up a few weeks later.

you’re a hero