Bet Franc

Cavity is a proudful name..!

I agree with what you're saying, but I must ask: is it bad that Indians get cast as scientists?

What's wrong with giving your kid one sip of wine? I thought it was legal if it was the parents doing it... Americans need to lighten up

First of all, that’s awful! Where the fuck were these support system people when the bills came?

Yoga nerd, random q: could the whole perinatal hospice thing help someone with say, bringing a baby to term so they can donate its organs to other tiny babies? Is that common? Is it really possible?

Yoga Nerd, ILU, but I think the narrative of “women mourning their loss” is hella present, and co opts the other sides of the subject

Hey, lady! From what I have seen on your posts, you sound cool... But man! I would hate not being able to get away from my darn kid for at least 1 hour to exercise. If anything, working out would be the excuse to get away from the kid for a couple hours.. (Counting shower and commute, which I would drag out)...

Huh.... Yeah, that might be right.. I still don't think is OK, but obviously, Amy was and usually is in more control of the relationship, so it didn't read so much subjugation as it did Sheldon, WTF?! this is uncomfortable!

EG: Ghostbusters!

I’ll give TBBT a pass because it was Amy’s idea.. She did it to get something sexual out of Sheldon... So, she was being the creeper, which isn't better... But it was plainly stated.

Do it! And you can have a family blind contest on whose cake is best ;)

Does the whole cookie recipe thing still happen?

This is me to a tee! I don't get why I can't function!

My school (Different country and private) Kept a supply; that was nice.

Honestly? They seemed pretty earnest about the whole thing. I didn't get the feeling they were just making it about them. They recognized they didn't have the full experience. I get your point, but it is hard to empathize with things you don't understand 100%...

Amen! I thought they only happened to me. And I am fairly educated... But I didn't know that period diarrhea was a thing.

In theory, that would be nice; in practice, it probably leads to dudes giving it all to women, even if they’re A-OK after say 3 months, have an infant that sleeps through the night, and their pump works great.

But in the UK is like 99% of your salary for 2 months and then a lot less, like 20% for the rest. Basically, the paid guaranteed aspect is only 2 months, and the rest is there I guess in case you need more time with the kid...

I’m sure that it is some kind of plan you pay into like insurance...

Not to be insensitive, but isn’t one of the main complaints of new mums that they’re hella bored at home? I mean, obviously I get the lack of sleep and all that, but assuming your partner is pulling their weight with chores, then it seems you could do that during kid down times, and before they start walking, there's