Bet Franc

best comment ever!!! Moooar pleaaaseee!!!

iDK... He shouldn't have put you in that position in the first place...

I agree. My BF said he would have just all his close friends be groomsmen and said OK, then, the dog can be your best boy. I don't even care how cheesy it is...

interesting... I'm sure I could google it... I just don't feel that interested .. lOl...

now I wanna know what the L stands for..

i thought the same. It doesn't work for this show, but I'd like it if she said "if there's something damning to the baby, yes, I'll have an abortion. Period."

Don't you know that being not-religious and not believing in Sky Santa equals mental illness? Duh!

like "fortheloveofbeets" said: That's all nice and important, the thing is that women shouldn't be penalized for doing that...

i feel the same.... Problem is people have been drinking this PR kool aid of "cool pope who's gonna make BC and gay marriage cool for catholics"

He wasn't "reasonable" before... He just has a lot of good PR...

my first thought...

I'd normally agree, but she's not in the news just cuz her husban is famous, but because both of them shove themselves down our throats... So.. Yeah...

Foreigner here.

Actually, the presenter got it right. We all got ethnicity... Things like black, white, hispanic are just very broad terms...

She looks Mediterranean to me...

don't worry, even through the eyes of this author, she comes off that way...

I'm sorry to be this person, but if you deliver a baby at home and it goes well for you, kudos! But it isn't something to praise, is kinda ridiculous to reject healthcare when available...

isn't there like a couple of jenner-dashians who are totally normal, and don't have public lives at all?

yep... Although I have to say I went to 2 schools with uniforms, one of them catholic school where elementary school girls in an all-girl school in a tropical country where at recess is like 90 degrees, you had tonwear knee-high white socks, and the skirt had to touch the top of the socks, and you were expected to not

This should be a thing every semester, or at least every year....