Betty Cross

You lost me at “Abrams-era version of the Enterprise crew.”

If you're hungry enough, you'll eat bugs. I hear they're a great source of protein, but I admit, for me it would take a while to get used to them.

The Btitish royals were true patriots during WW2. Princess Elizabeth worked in the motor pool while her dad the King toured bombed out cities to keep morale up.

they could use the Sigrune, which was also used in the SS insignia. His name would then be Siegmann, "victory man."

That's a 40-something version of Jimmy Olsen. Intriguing.

I'd be curious to know how the pilot's military career survived that.

I prefer to be called an Earthling.

some people have always had cancer. The only difference is, until recently, most people lost their lives to infectious diseases long before they showed any cancer symptoms, and often in childhood.

seeing Saturn rise and set everyday would be spectacular.

earth would be the satellite, not Neptune.

What is the deal with archers and bucket hats?

If I was thirsty enough, i wouldn't care where the water came from.

This didn't work, but it sure looks badass.

Your 51 million pounds figure is not from British taxpayers. The Quuen owns a huge amount of real estate called the Crown Estate. She's a billionaire. The income of the Crown Estate is immense. Parliament votes her a budget of 51 million to take care of the palaces and the royal family. The rest of the revenue of the

This might not be the actual title. Part VI was supposed to be called Revenge of the Jedi but was released as Return of the Jedi.

No, the 13th month would have to be Undecember, because it's the one after December. Latin undecim means eleven.

A majority of attendees at home games are white, if we take the 40 black figure literally, so what the hell is his problem?

In a Michael Bey movie, the explosion SFX are the real stars. He'll dumb this down and then blow it up like he does everything else.

She's just about the only good thing about View, depending on how much you like Christopher Walken. Moore was much too old to be Bond at that point. The other Bond girl was the lovely non-actress Tanya Roberts. All in all, an awful movie.

the Blackbird is one of the most beautiful aircraft designs I've ever seen.