
This is what she should have been grilled about. Not hypothetical cases that any jurist worth thier salt would refuse to comment on.

Was the judge Amy Coney Barrett?

Now playing

I think Monty Python has a song about that because God is quite irate

And decreases rates of uterine and endometrial cancers. Birth control actually saves lives!

I'm probably not as smart as Ted Cruz (/s) the Zodiac Killer, but doesn't birth control PREVENT abortions?

Closing bars and requiring a piece of cloth be worn in public to protect citizens from actually dying = tyranny

I wish Page would have said: Please answer the specific question I asked.

Nothing is being released soon. Trump is just on a steroid high, and acting all manic.

Good morning Jezzies! Did anyone guess Trumps manipulative ploy weeks ago? Last night he released a video claiming “ God has cured me. Regeneron is a miracle and it will be released soon!” October surprise. And Pence looked like a propped up corpse. Are we at some fucking extremist Christian Right worship

Those definitely don't count. Ask Paris from Gilmore Girls.

I was watching a tracker that counted (among other things) number of interruptions. Pence 16, Harris 11. Except 9 of Harris’s 11 interruptions were her saying "I'm speaking" when Pence tried to talk over her, and I really don't think those should count as interruptions. 

I never thought he wasn't. 

My aunt made some comment about disliking how smug Kamala Harris looks while talking.

I hear good things about snake handling too! Worth a shot!

If Jezebel brings back the “Hero Teen” tagline, please give it to Claudia Conway. She single-handedly stopped Kellyanne from being on cable news interviews, and I couldn’t be happier about that. 

“Guilfoyle ... being quite the super spreader”

Then she gets pregnant. So what? The prime minister of New Zealand gave birth while in office.

Every time I see her face, it takes me back to the scene from Carrie.

This is a very slippery slope, my friend.