Betty Borsalino

Diana, I’m not trying to be rude, but you really need to brush up on your proofreading skills.

Um, how is he a hero when he drugged and raped young black women?! Because what you’re doing is prioritising the unearned reputation of a black man over the lives of black women.

Better yet, Did Kriss Kross ever make you jump jump?

Because this is along the lines of what Trump sees when he looks in a mirror.

Yup - naught to do with the Bechdel test. I do think it can be used in discussions of the male gaze, though.

OMG Thank you. I think it’s tragic that everyone is jumping for joy about a video full of women who are not naked/half naked/fawning over a man/faking sex. Yes, we need more videos without those things. But that doesn’t mean that this particular video is a shining example of feminism. It’s just less sexist. And it

Her dad flat out telling him that hey, you may love her but THAT DOESN’T MEAN SHE OWES YOU and he gets all cute and quirky and does not listen at all?

I feel like James Spader turned out to be the unlikely dream guy for a lot of women. I’ve talked to a few who would go for Stef but are deeply DEEPLY conflicted about it.

Andie, Blane, Steff, Duckie; none of those names were spelled right.


Pfft, everyone has already gone on at length about Hitler’s genocidal megalomania. His moustache hasn’t gotten nearly the shade it deserves.

So, I think the answer to this question is, “It depends.” I do think that there is often an undercurrent of misogyny to the attacks on conservative women. I remember wincing back in the day at the nature of some of things said about Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is as odious as they come, but a lot of the attacks on her

HOW DARE YOU, SIR. I believe it was “fucking moron,” was it not?

Past a certain point, a person becomes so despicable that all aspects of their life and personality become fair game for ridicule. Nobody would say “Hey, we shouldn’t shame Hitler’s moustache.”

What exactly is the business model of a cupcake place that only has 20 cupcakes?

That’s not true - as they’ve identified more and more genes responsible for eye pigment, as well as how they function, your older slam-dunk Punnet squares have had to be revised. If two blue-eyed parents are carriers of the allele for brown eyes, then they can have a brown-eyed child.

Well, that brings me to the silver lining of the whole ordeal. My dad has some pretty severe mental issues so I am somewhat glad that we don’t share DNA.

Get yourself a man who can do both - truly be there in your relationship, AND have a cart full of hot dogs. You deserve everything. We all do :)

Hi. I’m white. Very white. So pale they don’t make makeup white enough white. I’m also a boss at a Fortune 50, and I’m stuck in no one’s trap. A homogenous leadership team (White dudes in their 50s) means one view point is represented and one perspective is valued. It’s poor leadership, and it annoys the fuck out of

Right?! Bare minimum is exactly it. Dude was home ALL day, only working nights a week, and wanted a medal anytime he did the dishes which was not often. Then we would have a talk about how sleeping all day and not being a partner was not cutting it and he needed to grow up - he would agree but then go back to lying