Betty Borsalino

Royalties dealing with mineral rights etc. You need to know who is entitled to what and capturing book and page numbers from courthouse documents was part of that. Deed books, mortgage books, marriage licenses. There is a LOT to keep track of when dealing with royalties and a persons money.

Incorrect, Boyo. That sticks with you until your death, as stipulated by the great state of North Carolina. You’ll be paying that debt until the end.

These few that have been proven to reduce gun violence are a good place to start.

You can have my fart when you can pry it from my cold, dead anus.

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a fart is a good guy with a fart.

I’m done fucking around, repeal the second amendment and tell all the butt hurt rednecks they can soothe themselves with my thoughts and prayers. Granted, I don’t pray and my thoughts will be of each and every one of them shooting their tiny dicks off, but it’s the best they’ll get out of me. Fuck ‘em.

If you like pina coladas, and emphasizing Barack Hussein...

If they’re old enough to be asked to do battle with school shooters in hand-to-hand combat, they’re old enough to have a say in school policy.

He wouldn’t know the document if it animated, walked up and slapped him in the face.

This doesn’t surprise me in the least; the military-industrial complex has long had it’s hands in schools, preparing kids for a life of violence. Cruz just happened to be in a rush and decided to skip the middle-man.

A malignant narcissist only does what s/he does to maintain any sense of control — lie and emotionally manipulate.

I see where you’re going there, but I think you’ve missed a decimal point.

I like it... and you know what? They need to:

Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable.

These young people aren’t millennials. They are a new generation. Also, millenials have higher voting rates at their age as than the boomers and the gen-xers. This indicates that millennials will in the next few years be very politically motivated as they become older adults and their voting percentages increase.

The same State that voted for Trump - $30M from the NRA and he proudly campaigned on it, that supported “Stand your ground” when Trayvon was murdered.. and put in Rubio and Scott.. NRA guys with A+. So, while the KIDS are saying the right things now.. their parents voted for the guys who allowed this to happen.