Betty Borsalino

I’m not going to disagree that a bareback fuck is probably a goal of many men, but not having children ranks pretty high for a lot of guys too. I think men who really don’t want to have kids will take it. Just like women who really don’t want to have kids will take their version. Then no one has to rely on anyone else

Good for you for taking care of yourself and not those **coughassholescough**! After the illness and death of my mom and then my husband’s serious health issues, I realized that I had been a caretaker for almost 10 years and didn’t really know myself anymore. People say it all the time, but get a hobby! I picked one

Maybe you should join a Lego group? I don’t know where you live, but here is the link to the Los Angeles group. Maybe it will lead you to one near you. Might be a good way to get more comfortable in a group of like-minded people doing an activity that you clearly love.

I recently made my own and I will never go back to store bought. I found a recipe online and adjusted to suit my tastes: bees wax, coconut oil, cocoa butter, olive oil, vitamin E, peppermint oil. Next time I’m going to use almond oil instead of olive and add beet root powder for some color.

But they’re always fine with taking kids out of class to listen to some pro-GOP, abstinence only, officer friendly, say no to drugs type bullshit.

Shocked, I tell you! Maybe if they had more than two female writers they might have known about the power of American misogyny.

The biggest tell is when Trump says Trudeau is good-looking. He can’t stand that ladies all over the world legit want Trudeau in their panties while Trump is just an old pile of lard in a fright wig and a clown suit.

Nope. Skin color, sexuality and physical body are all things that are inherent and cannot be changed. Religious beliefs are learned and can be discarded at any time.

I heard a radio interview with a lawyer saying that schools can give the students the same punishment that disrupting class or skipping school would normally incur, such as a call to parents or detention, but that implementing new, harsher punishments for this one instance will open the door for freedom of speech

Yep. Alcoholism will do that to you.

Join a union. I’m not allowed to work longer than my contracted hours. And a major part of my job is monitoring everyone else’s hours to make sure they aren’t made to stay late.

Middle-aged, lifelong pothead and medical cannabis user here. Definitely agree with other commenters on avoiding edibles. (I recommend 10-15 mg THC over Nyquil for a good night’s sleep with no morning grogginess.) Vaping buds tastes the best but can sometimes trigger asthma, but if it’s not an issue for you, I think

That is beautiful and one of the sweetest things I have ever heard. I’m sorry you lost your father. And I’m sorry your dad is ill. Fuck cancer.

Can’t people who run up the escalator just as easily run up the regular stairs? How many stairs are they really saving by running up the ones that move?

Obviously you’re not a golfer.

NPD. Trump’s people all really believe they are unique and special and that their mere presence is a blessing upon any who are lucky enough to experience it.

Right? I doubt this guy’s been going out jaywalking for two years in the hopes that a female officer might arrest him so he can be the test case on the sexism law.

To be fair, TBL is basically a story about some greedy vigilantes with anger management issues who conspire to defraud a disabled veteran, so it kinda makes sense.

This guy’s a fake. A fucking goldbricker.

Sam is the Trump administration’s hubris personified. Nobody blames the sun for Icarus’ demise.