Omg I was told the same damn thing! I was told that God gave me a this illness because he knew I would be a terrible mother and to adopt or use a surrogate or do IVF would be sinning against God. Oh, I hate people.
Omg I was told the same damn thing! I was told that God gave me a this illness because he knew I would be a terrible mother and to adopt or use a surrogate or do IVF would be sinning against God. Oh, I hate people.
Well, of course they shouldn't! It is like all the helpful people who told me that if God meant for me to have a family, I wouldn't be infertile, and I had sinned against God for adopting. Clearly God only means for upstanding citizens like the cast of 16 & Pregnant to get pregnant, not low lifes like me. It is all…
Exactly. Can we ban Sherri Shepherds from existing, instead of banning surrogacy? Cause I am down with that.
Maybe I'm just cruel for thinking that it is okay for thinking it is okay that it is THEIR genetics, so they should control it's existence. ....I mean, I definitely don't think a man has a right to say whether a woman has an abortion or not.
Screw you. Lima Beans are the best thing in the world!
Sorry hun Jesus don't want any part of Sherri and her mess!
Well, my daughter was born six weeks ago via surrogate. I am not infertile, I have well-controlled mental illness and can't go off meds for any reason. All the hatred and judgement people spew about surrogacy is pretty rich coming from a group of extremely pro-choice feminists. My surrogate is smart and strong and…
Come on now it's not Jesus fault Sherri is a used tampon
Come on now it's not Jesus fault Sherri is a used tampon
my opinion? no
There have been cases where the surrogate has been aware and said to have supported and signed the contract, and then refused to abort when these issues have come forth. One of them even fled the state she was living in and got a pro-life attorney to help her, even though it was in the fucking contract that she would…
That's possible, although he would have to have a very low income for the baby to qualify for Medi-Cal... Unless, the baby is currently hospitalized (hopefully not) in which case you can get Medi-Cal for your baby because he/she is technically not living with you but in an "institution." That means the household…
Apparently not, but I haven't watched The View in years. My feathers were plenty ruffled by the first few cast changes, but then Another-Blonde-Republican arrived and started farting out her mouth every day. The show became an intolerable embarrassment at that stage. I don't know how anyone can still watch.
At least the kid will grow up knowing the world is round.
The first successful case of in vitro fertilisation was in 1978. That was 37 years ago. Gay marriage is legal in 36 states. We should have a legal structure in place by now that differentiates between DNA contribution and parental responsibility. It really isn't that hard.
Why was Sally applying for Medi-cal? Why is the surrogate's name on the birth certificate at all? Isn't this a legally binding can you just drop out of a surrogacy? And , most importantly, does Sheri Shepherd have the heart of Beezlebub? Although it seems to me that poor kid doesn't stand a chance…
After I had to suffer through a hundred ugly cries and all this praising god and Jesus on Dancing With the Stars about her first child, Sherri Shepard turns around and does this to another woman.
If I thought it actually meant anything, I'd get down on my knees and ask Jesus to cancel the View right this minute. I…
Way to demonstrate those Christian values you're always waxing so sanctimonious about, Sherri.