Audrey Walker

Listen, I'm just going to be honest, OK? I could really go for an ice cream sundae, and I think you need one too, so let's get a sugar-high and watch Gilmore Girls on Netflix all night. I'm just callin' it like I see it.


omg what world are you even living in

I love the idea of "telling it like it is" and offering praise!

Neil deGrasse Tyson was a black kid raised in the Bronx, educated in the New York public school system, who went on to get his BA in Physics from Harvard, his Master's in astrophysics from University of Texas, and his PhD in astrophysics from Columbia. Those are degrees most people don't have the intellectual capacity

This made me laugh as Dr. Phil's old Oprah-given nickname was "Tell-it-like-it-is Phil".

Also, the "I'm just being honest" people then somehow expect to be congratulated for their "honesty". I mean, how brave of this young lady to take on the enormous responsibility of being honest? She should be given a medal, dammit!!!

My partner's grandmother is always saying, "I'm a bitch," and it's very awkward for everyone because IT'S TRUE and you can't just respond, "Yeah. Yeah, you are."

Yeah, no one who's "honest" and "tells it like it is" has ever said "Maureen, your hair looks great today. I'm just telling it like it is", or "Sweetie, you know I'm just being honest with you, you've been doing really well at your job, I'm super impressed with your progress". So either you're really honest, and

I love the saying, "those who love brutal honesty are more interested in the brutality than thr honesty".

I'm just sayin...

People who are "honest" and "tell it like it is" are really just assholes.

While I'm inclined to think that most teenage girls who go on Dr. Phil could probably stand for some sort of attitude adjustment, I'm also inclined to think that Dr. Phil is not the person to be giving said adjustment.

just conceived a baby right there in her womb, all by herself: so why does he have any say so in the abortion if it was all her doing?! hmm?! HMM?!

"I'm sorry for men not taking a greater stand in this area," Idleman adds.

Too bad it's not puzzling to more, cause razor bumps in summer are super fun.

God, it's so refreshing when random internet dudes say they don't care about body hair on women.

No. All the women of Jezebel got together this morning to concoct this outlandish hoax just to see if we could fool you, random internet stranger.

Bikini waxes ain't just for funsies.

Is this a thing women really worry about?