Audrey Walker

I don't give two fucks either way about Justin's little beiber, but aren't we oddly sexualizing him in a way that we would rail against if he were a woman. I know that his camp is bringing it back up by having the trainer speak to the subject, and I wish that they had just said something like, 'Dude, that photo shoot

How is this news. We already new Justin was a massive cock.

Fuck this guy.

Who cares??? I freaking can't stand this kid and Lara Stone looks like she's made out of wood. Get a new add Calvin Klein...this is tired as fuck.

So were the Cosby protesters ticket holders? I ask because there are better ways to protest someone other than lining their pockets.

i honestly have no sense of whether that kid is attractive.

I think the fact that she had her sex tape leak and rather than go hide in shame, she was like yup, that's me, I have sex, deal with it. And then on top of that she found a way to make a career out of it. That's pretty impressive in my book, even if it's a little bit of an odd career choice.

I won't speculate on the contents of his drawers, but that lip biting has to go.

I sort of am. She built herself a career out of being a sexy chick who had a sex tape of herself and her boyfriend released. Not everything she does is ideal, feminism-wise, but she owns her sexuality and I think there's something to be said for that.

kim and kanye have trouble conceiving? well you DO kinda have to be in the same place at the same time to do that kinda thing, no?

My head hurts..the Photoshopped Bieber photos were real and the "pre-Photoshopped" photos were fake?

Oh so Biebers personal trainer, who gets paid by Bieber, has now said that he is well-endowed? How convenient.

Who fucking cares, why is Jezebel focusing so much on this man's body?

I think we don't need to discuss Bieber's bits ever again.

The outfit is fine. We know she's a teen because it's probably 60 degrees so she wears the summer outfit under a jacket. Who here can say they never wore summer clothes with no coat and just ran to the club??

It is kind of upsetting. Girl is 17! Remember how self-conscious/self-doubting your cuteness you were at 17?! Now multiply that by a million and make Kris Jenner your mom.

Point and laugh.

But, um, how would Justin Bieber's trainer really know? I'm assuming he's saying he's seen Justin naked, but even if he has, maybe he's a "show-er"?

I think Kylie Jenner looks cute. If I were young and fit and had the cash for those boots I would wear it, too. Crops tops are so in! (And I do wear those...with super high-rise pants and skirts, though, to hide my muffin top).

Thank you, Hamilton Cosby protestors!