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But a 15-year-old girl also can't take a naked picture of herself, and post or share it herself, without receiving exactly the same consequences (actually, if you read the whole story above, it's clear that at least in some cases the girl will be charged even if someone else took and distributed the pictures, as long…
Agreed. Underage sex is going to happen. As a parent all I can hope to do is instill that abstaining would be the ultimate choice for not having a child before you're ready, or getting an std. However I fully intend to make sure my kid's have condoms. My faith may not smile on birth control, but Jesus ain't gonna be…
I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough…
Did you miss this part?:
That would mean underage drinking is a dumbass felony.
I was talking about the "lol teenagers being teenagers" stuff. I'm not excusing child porn. I'm saying that if you're going to do something illegal, don't tell everyone that you are doing something illegal.
Children whose images are being traded for the sexual gratification of pedophiles. I'd say that's who we're protecting.
I agree. A girl can give head to a guy under the bleachers and he can be a dick and TELL everyone about it (see every 80's and 90's teen movie ever) or LIE about it, but there is no physical evidence that follows you. As much as I dislike kids with fancier phones than me, there needs to be a class in schools on proper…
...except teenagers are essentially the children of the internet... meaning they're 100% going to act like teenage dumbasses on the internet. It's a part of their life, never had anything different. Hell, I'm 23 and it's been a part of most of my life as well. Just, I always had shitty internet... :(
No, teens are getting dumber and dumber. They need to learn that when you post something on the internet, using your real name, it's going to haunt you for the rest of your entire life. Charging them and sending them to jail is a good reminder. These boys will forever be branded as sex offenders, for the rest of their…
have we completely forgotten about the underground work of the silk road? It's not just that these kids need to learn the legal consequences but it's also to try and protect them from the evil that lurks in the dark places of the Internet. This girl could end up kidnapped and sold by next weekend thanks to the…
Oh, that's just teenagers being teenagers. And when they grow up to become adults, they'll think it's totally cool to take pictures of women they're having sex with, without their consent, and upload them onto the internet in things like revenge porn, without their consent, and they'll just think it's okay because,…
I think this stopped being teenage dumbassery when the production of child porn began. You can't tell me these fine young men, who basically got all their sex ed from porn sites since they were 10, didn't know that filming sex acts with underage women is against the law. I think this is not teenage dumbassery, but…
We have to stop criminalizing teenage dumbassness.
There is a difference between being teenage stupid and putting your stupidity online for everyone to see. This would be like, before there was the internet, telling everyone to come see you do your illegal activity. Sometimes, you don't need the likes and favs.
In situations like this though, where this girl was photographed and then it was distributed without her knowledge or consent, I don't have a problem with them facing punishment. That is wrong and exploitative behavior regardless of age.
The girl was photographed without her knowledge or consent. So, we're protecting her.
Stop criminalizing a crime? Stop giving these teens consequences for their actions? I think that's the whole problem. Of course, the teen brain has not fully developed and for smaller offenses the sentence should not follow them into adult hood. But can you understand the weight the victim carries in this crime, the…
lara Stone. She's like that in ALL her shots. It does NOT get better........