Audrey Walker

People who work at hospitals live and breathe HIPAA training so it's hard for me to believe somebody would be this stupid. To tweet it TAGGING the person? It's really, really dumb. For real.

I wouldnt even do that to a non celebrity let alone the situation shes in professionally.

Seriously, how stupid could someone possibly be to post that?

Yeah, of all the rules and regulations that've ever been laid down, HIPAA must be some of the clearest. That whole law basically boils down to WHEN IN DOUBT SHUT YOUR MOUTH


Well, someone's getting fired.

Don't worry about it, my ability to give a shit about morons on the internet who know nothing but want to comment on my character is permanently broken.

As I was reading, my thoughts were, "Wow, what a douche. Bad son. Manchild. Not that cute. ...OMG HE KILLED A DOG? FUCKING MONSTER!!!"

There is nothing Republican about getting a damn job. Not getting a damn job because you get family welfare is way more Republican.

I'm surprised that a wealthy person would insist their non-working kid make it on $31K per year, to be honest. That's a middle class lifestyle. Of course, if he wanted to improve it he could just get a damned job.

Agreed! If you eat it then I will forgive you. If you want to shoot a buck just to get its head stuffed and posted up on your wall then that's just gross. Also using guns is weak sauce I feel like people should only be allowed to hunt with bows and arrows. It's just not a level playing field. We're already human's for

As an almost vegetarian (lazy omnivore/cuddler of cute things) I actually believe that hunting is the most responsible way of consuming meat. Because I do not want to kill lots of animals to feed myself is why I rarely eat meat.

but how can surfer dudes reside in Manhattan?? I doubt that's in the surfer bible

What's with all the outrage? Dude is just suffering from affluenza. People need to be more sensitive about rich douchebags who harm others when they don't get their needs met. It's a tragedy that this country doesn't talk affluenza seriously.

I don't have a problem with hunters ethically, as long as they eat what they kill, but I'm no way do I think hunting is sexy. I'd much prefer a nice sensitive vegetarian.

I agree 100%!! I would kill the crap out of anyone who killed my animals.

Killing animals is like the exact opposite of sexy to me.


If he killed a dog he's a psychopath. That's not too sexy.

but he's a surfer dude! Surfer dudes have to have shaggy hair. It's in the surfer bible.

What kind of fucking monster kills a dog?

If you kill my dog I fucking kill you straight up no questions asked ever

^^My main takeaway