Audrey Walker

So, this guy is 21, so he's been a werewolf for the last 8 years?


Strange, but I can't really judge. Every year my president pardons a turkey from being killed and eaten for Thanksgiving, before going on to eat a... different turkey. So.

Female president. I like this country.

Actually, it'd be worse to be a Jehovah's Witness vampire. Imagine, you have a hard enough time convincing people to invite you in... but you're a Jehovah's Witness bearing Watchtowers to boot.

We might laugh, but I've never seen an Argentinian werewolf so it's clearly working.

Lycanthrope-shaming? I expect better of Jezebel.

That's not that bad, you should see the Vampire Jehovah's Witnesses, those poor sods have problems.

Annie: Ah well, you shouldn't be eating bacon anyway, should you — you're Jewish.

he becomes a werewolf after his 13th birthday? So Werewolf Bar Mitzvah spoke the truth?

Seriously, this is my in-laws, who take out their mini Swiss army knives and cut the tape and gingerly unwrap the present. 21 Christmases is how long I've endured this, listening to the moans of "why do you use so much tape?" (Which is stupid, because they ALL know it's because I SUCK at wrapping, and have to find

True story: my grandfather disowned my aunt because she DARED to bring him a computer. It was a disaster and they never forgave each other.

It's amazing how resistant older people can be to new technology, considering how crazy complicated the technology they grew up with was. Old-time switchboards, for example (the kind with all the plugs and cables that had to be connected to the right outlets with every call). Or the early computers with punch-cards.

My mom had one of those for a little while. They sold them as "email typewriters" or something to help cajole older folks into getting used to the computers. Then one day she tossed it and bought a fancy schmancy Mac! I asked her why and apparently someone had sent her a video of one of their grandchildren and she

This so reminds me of the year the family bought Oma an email-only device, as she liked the concept of keeping in touch with the grandkids and getting pictures and all that, but wasn't up for a full-scale computer. Her first month of emails were pretty much on the line of "Hi, all I don't know what I'm doing or if

Hey wait.....I'm 43 and I save the paper! I thought only I did this. But I'm not a mom. I think I may be middle-aged for sure now.

I didn't photograph myself with the 4 mismatched, different-sized coffee mugs I got, despite the fact that I need zero coffee mugs, but your dog does a pretty good approximation of my face.

"I will poop in every pair of shoes you own for this."

Here's our Miss Brown, with roughly the same reaction to her Christmas sweater: