Audrey Walker

"To say no other human is allowed to use another person's organs without them explicitly giving permission before their death, unless that organ is a uterus is extremely disrespectful. It shows the lack of respect you have for women. If the only case another being can forcefully use a human's organ without their

Yes her rights STILL trump the fetus who is not a person yet. And you are heartless because you don't give a shit about her grotesque bloating corpse bride body, or the feelings of the family and their suffering, or the huge medical expense that the FAMILY would be forced to bear, or how a kid might feel knowing they

The legal definition and the scientific one are not always the same thing, this is one of those cases.

I'm terrified that in my lifetime women will become nothing more than axlotl tanks. I thought perhaps my fears were just paranoia but listening to a local radio show this AM and all the people saying that no matter what the mother should have been kept on life support, I know my paranoia isn't unfounded. Even when the

Not to mention the effects it would have on the fetus, should a fetus spend it's entire gestation in a shell. With a living, active mother, fetuses experience all kinds of things from light and sound to tastes and moods, and I can't help but think of what kind of effects a complete lack of, I duno, life, during the

The body and brain of this woman were decomposing. She was literally starting to swell up with infection. Would you want a fetus growing and developing inside a decomposing woman? Imagine the fetus being born, growing up, and hearing the story of how they were kept alive inside the rotting body of their mother for 20+

Her brain was rotting... she was past dead dead.

Every person's wishes about what happens to his/her body after they die are respected. Forget fetus, rights of a dead person trump the right of a living human being in this country. We don't forcefully allow the use of organs of a dead person to save another human's life. No matter how many lives the use of that

there have been many cases where two factions of family have gone to war over this kind of thing, e.g. Terry Schiavo - husband wanted her off life support, parents wanted her on it, there wasn't a living will or other advance directive, and so they sued and appealed and sued and so on for SEVEN YEARS. By the time she

Pre-born? You're fine. Pre-K? You're fucked. ~ George Carlin

But being born from the month long brain-dead shell of your mother, that's a decidedly new phenonemon

Slightly less creepy than finding out your brain dead mother had been kept on life support for months to keep you kicking. Seriously, it sounds like the beginning of some awful horror film

At what age would you believe that information should be given to the child? An age where he/she understands the concept of death, or daily as they are growing up? Or better yet, if the child's father remarries, the step-mother brings it up daily? I believe "mommy's with the angels" would suffice until the child is

Not even just that, think of the psychological number it will do on her partner having to raise a kid that they kept his dead girlfriend alive just to incubate.

That happens, though. Not very often, thankfully, but I've heard of cases where pregnant women have dies in accidents etc. and the babies were removed through c-section and lived. Hell of a way to start your life

It's worse than that. At least if an incubator was unfixably broken they'd throw it out, not light a fire under it.

That's the fundamental flaw in right-to-lifer philosophy. They don't think ahead or care about what happens after the baby is born. They'll fanatically take away a woman's (or in this case, a family's) right to choose, but they won't stick around to make sure the kid is properly cared for or to answer the tough


Even if the kid had been viable, surely being born from your dead mother would do a psychological number on you when you inevitably found out?

this was awesome for so many reasons. everything is good and good job and i too knew all the music to rent and was obsessed with newsies.