That's no way to get internet famous.
That's no way to get internet famous.
I'm sorry, but this is sort of crap. This happened under the old system, too. Constantly. Comments that get a lot of replies are always at the top. And this is not the kind of thing that the new pending comment system is supposed to avoid. It was brought in to address the problem of truly awful, violent, threatening…
They regularly get their asses handed to them by the ladies and some of the men here. It is a sheer joy to see and I sometimes pick up a new insult. Sometimes, I offer a new insult to other people. Sharing is caring.
I'm glad you responded to that Mark. You had a good response that made me smirk. The guy's comment was an eye-roller but not a blood pressure burster. (Also, maybe she WAS a psycho. Not likely. Not what I think. But possible. At the very least, the "rest of the story" is something to think/wonder about). Mostly,…
Personally, reading the hilarious and cutthroat replies a misogynist gets is one of my favorite parts of Jezebel. If I need a good laugh, I just need to go to any article that's even mildly controversial. We have some seriously funny commentators in here and I love that so much~
Does it annoy anyone else that there is little actual bass in this song??
I loved this song on the radio:( Now I'm sad because this post actually made me listen to the lyrics.
Uhhh, please don't forget to mention that the "body acceptance" she's preaching comes at the expense of thinner women. Not very accepting, is it?
Random thoughts...
I had no idea Meghan Trainor's song was actually about self love. It seemed like your typical "I got a big butt! You have a big butt! Fuck skinny bitches because we get all the boys!" Song. I didn't think for a second that it was actually supposed to be empowering. It's catchy, but that's about it.
so, yes, you can find lots of little things to pick apart in the song, but I think that, ultimately, the most damning thing is the fact that the only person in the video who is actually fat is a MAN who is obviously there for comic effect.
aside from the use of the term "skinny bitch" which i really dislike, I think this song is perfectly fine. It's a girl who is seeing the positive in the body that she was given, and celebrating it in a light-hearted/incredibly catchy song. Unlike the songs by men who focus on telling girls with low self esteem that…
God, this woman and this song are both totally insufferable. A 'friend' posted the video last week on Facebook, but I had no idea she was so popular. News that her single is so big makes me very frowny face.
Good thing this white kid is bringing booty back.
BDSM is between consenting adults. This is not. There, I solved your problem for you - you're welcome.
Um, I didn't write this article, as you can see by the byline that isn't my name, listed right next to the headline. With that shitty an eye for detail, you'll never be the Ansel Adams of upskirt photography.
If they're not doing anything wrong, then presumably their lives aren't being ruined if people find out they do it.
I think it's a decent retaliation but I'd say women having no right to privacy in public is far worse than having no privacy on the internet. As humans, we HAVE to be in public at some point. To accomplished things in our day-to-day life, we have to go to places like the grocery store, to class, to buy clothes etc. …
The shots of kids in classes seriously bother me. That's not really public in the same way as, say, the mall or the zoo. Kids legally have to be there, are almost 100% under 18 years of age, and since the public is generally not allowed to walk in and out of a high school at will, that strikes me as a case of a…
So women have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public?