Exactly. It seems like her problem is not actually with the clothes but the name attached to them. In which case, treat it like any other brand you dislike and don't buy it.
Exactly. It seems like her problem is not actually with the clothes but the name attached to them. In which case, treat it like any other brand you dislike and don't buy it.
None of the strangers that turned into boyfriends ever met me via street harrassment. Get out of here with that bullshit.
How can you be sure she ever saw that video before making hers? I hadn't seen it until it was posted in the comments of the other article. More than one person can have the same idea. I had amused myself with thoughts of "boob twerking" long before I saw this.
When they resort to "you don't have to be a bitch" I like to give it back to them. And YOU don't have to be an insert-thing-resulting-in-bitch-response. Action, reaction. Fix yours before crying about mine.
Aww annoying guy can't admit he's annoying, therefore bitches. Whatever helps you sleep, bro.
These people deserve to be taken in for psych evals.
I would not be able to resist turning those questions around on them.
Or better (worse?) "you should leave him for me." Why are we the ones stereotyped as illogical?
I would have to rub it in with a "wah wah waaaahhhhh".
I don't understand the mentality behind badgering. If you are already annoying me in this moment, why would I want to give you the means and opportunity to annoy me further? Shouldn't you want me to actually LIKE you?
Haha, I was expecting you to say you just shut the door on them. I'm baffled why someone would think just because you are home that you are obligated to answer the door. It happened recently that a "please vote for me" type rang our bell. The first time he rang once like a normal person. After getting no answer he…
With as often as my nonverbal cues have gone ignored or more likely unobserved, I fully believe that waiting until college to make Interpersonal Communications a required class is a mistake. I hated the class because it all seemed so very Captain Obvious, but there were some classmates that really didn't get it. This…
No. No one is entitled to anything another person is not willing to give.
Headphones have never worked as a deterrent. People still attempt to talk and expect me to remove them.
Nothing irks me me quite as much as a dude who cares more about the feelings of another dude he's never met/doesn't exist than the feelings of the woman he claims to care about knowing. Not caring about my feelings is kind of a big deal breaker.
What are you reading? Here, let me take your attention away from it because it can't possibly be more interesting than meeeeee.
Yeah, it's weird. It's weird for the server too.
Not always. Some of the worst tippers I've had are the "I used to work here/be a bartender" types.
These are the same people who like to request that you "make it good". 😒
Guilty as charged. Toot toot!