
There is a certain election cycle cynical logic to this. There is a small but vocal (aren’t they all) group of NH residents that feel left out of hating immigrants and being attacked by terrorists (because there is no reason for immigrants to go to NH, and there is nothing for terrorists to attack except for fir

To save money, is suggest just a small circular wall with the Biebs inside. And a mote outside.... with hungry, hungry crocodiles.

Upon exiting the courthouse Brady was issued a parking ticket. “I took a taxi here,” he protested. “Yes, but I believe that it is more likely than not that you were generally aware that this guy over here was parked illegally. You walked right past his car while the ‘Time Expired’ signal was flashing on the parking

Ooooo, oooo ooo <raises hand>. I know this one. Trick question. It’’s Raymond. Because everybody lov.... nevermind. I forgot, this is the internet. The answer is Hitler. Because Hitler is the answer to everything on the internet.

What do you think #2 was doing? Hint: not number two.

Odd thought: I have been to about 8 funerals in my life and crazy random shit has happened at about 3 of them. Would you like to hear about:

Some legal analysis from tonight’s news:

Uhhhh... no. Not even close. Kind of a dick? Yes, sometimes. Tosses liberal money into politics? Yes. Counterparts to Kock Bros? Nope, can’t hold a candle to their level of douchbaggery. Sorry, just no.

B.A. Psych grad here. Let me save you some time:

Boooom, splat. The sound of my mind being blown.

To summarize:

I strongly disagree. Her denim skirt is fine. You are right about everything else. Fuck her and her fucked up bigotted attitudes, her refusal to perform her fucking civic duties, and her four fucking hypocritical marriages.

Me as a child: “I’m gonna dunk like him one day.” I never did. One of the heroes of my childhood died today. Heart = sad.

In a perfect world, sure, round up all the guns, or make a few exceptions. Until we get there, how about a compromise position: regulate guns like cars:

How do you the convince the NLRB that student athletes are (under)paid employees and have the right to unionize. This is how. Keep it up, shitheads.

Dear Coach Foster,

Rodgers offers a hasty interjection. “Well, we’re not saying we have real medical proof.”

You pray to your lord and savior with a brain that stupid? Between Russell Wilson, the Duggars, Huckabee, Santorum the trend seems clear: the more devout you are, the more full of shit you are. Keep in mind though, correlation is not causation.

Funny you should use statins as an example. Last study I read showed no reduction in mortailty/morbidity from taking statins regardless of LDL level (in patients that have not had a caridac-related hospitalization). Am I behind on my reading?

What’s wrong with you?!? If you don’t love ‘murica you can leave anytime you likes.