nancy drew

I've been re-reading Salinger's Glass family stories, which I loved in high school, but which, upon re-read, I'm realizing I didn't really understand at all, haha. Back then I mostly read for plot, and most of the interesting stuff that Salinger's doing is non-plot-related and I understand/appreciate it a lot better

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, too. It was the first show with an all-gay cast, I think—definitely one of the first. Even the title was kind of edgy for the time. A lot of people talked about how it served as a mechanism to introduce their mildly homophobic family members to gay people in a non-threatening way—they

When you get to be that age, voting is the most exciting thing you get to do all year.

Didn't they? The second one definitely has some thwarted rape scenes.

I'd assumed they'd age Meg up a bit—not drastically, just cast a 16-year-old as a 13-year-old, as Hollywood does, to make the themes seem a little less jarring. It's a bit odd to see them cast an actual 13-year-old as a 13-year-old.

You mean the one from seven years ago? That's practically a century in Hollywood time! That's more than enough time to remake it (twice)!

Nah, they'll cast an actual Chinese actress so the movie will make a bajillion dollars in China. It's only other Asians that get played by white people.

You realize that this is not a non-profit, right? If Univision's short-term profit margins are insufficient, the site shuts down (or changes dramatically in an attempt to make more money).

Yeah, the problem with the PUA community (I mean, there are lots of problems, but in this case specifically even for the guys involved in it who feel like it worked for them) is that it teaches you how to get girls to have sex with or date you at the expense of having an actual relationship with them. If you're going

TV club reviews clearly aren't generating money, which means that if the site continues to invest in them it will probably have to shut down sooner or later. Presumably AVC believes they can make more money off a Food section, which—in the best case scenario allows them to keep paying their TV Club writers, but more

I saw trailers for it before at least a couple different films I saw this spring/early summer. I don't think the trailers did a very good job of selling the film, though—and maybe that's because the plot isn't conventional enough to make it an easy sell?

It'll be difficult either way, but not letting somebody in the midst of a storm of rape accusations and terrible press keep doing interviews (when previous attempts have gone increasingly poorly!) is not exactly an advanced PR move.

To clarify, I don't think there's any way to actually divorce the film from Parker. For plenty of viewers, that will be enough to keep them from seeing it in theaters, and there's nothing Fox can ever do (or could have ever done) to change that. (I'm one of them.) But there's still a subset of potential viewers who

I was thinking more along the lines of popular historians than anybody currently working in academia, but good point.

I don't understand how Fox is fucking up the PR thing so badly when it comes to this film. Stop letting Parker do PR! It hasn't gone well and isn't going to go any better! Just distance Parker and Celestin from the project, put out some statements saying that you understand the public's concerns about the creators but

They're making it so that if you're followed by the main blog you're automatically followed by all the sub-blogs. Kinda weird as I'd assumed they'd be ditching Kinja when they got bought out.

Sure. But it's bizarre to say that we need to look at the ways that the justice system has continuously failed black men in regards to sexual assault while flat-out ignoring the ways that the justice system has continuously failed all women (and plenty of men!) in regards to sexual assault. So many of the people in

Nah, Sesame Street teaches you to be nice.

Yeah, I'm not going to go to bat for Bill Murray, because he seems like a difficult and unpleasant person at best, but there is a big contextual difference between allegations made and then withdrawn during an ugly divorce and a lot of these other examples. Doesn't mean Murray's not guilty of the things he was accused

Have any of Wilson's plays been adapted to film before? He's such a super-star in the theater world, and some of his plays seem so easily translatable to, say, indie film that it's kind of shocking to me if they haven't.