nancy drew

I think John's ability to say things that are super-relatable but also things that are completely insane is what makes him so appealing as a "character."

Survivor is technically a TV game show and, as such, governed by the game show rules that came about as a result of the '50 quiz show scandals that forbid game-rigging.

I mean . . . that's capitalism. If your outside-of-work behavior could result in customers choosing to take their business elsewhere, most bosses are going to get rid of you.

On what grounds?

No reason you couldn't bring back McConaughey to play a completely different character.

I think Atlantis has cool parts but they never really come together into a cohesive whole. It could've worked with a little more script revision/planning.

Yeah, I think it eventually did play in regular theaters, but by that point the lackluster reviews were in and people steered clear. It's a nice film, but not as good as the original, and "nice" doesn't really cut it when you're trying to convince kids to watch classical music for 90 minutes.

Yeah, there are a handful of beautiful sequences in L&S but it doesn't reach the heights of most of the films that led up to it. Its plot is almost perfectly constructed and executed though, and it has a ton of heart, which almost all the other movies from that just post-Renaissance period lack.

If we're talking financially, then Fantasia 2000 killed the Renaissance. Every Disney movie in the '90s (save for Rescuers Down Under) made buckets and buckets of money, and Fantasia 2000 was their first flop in a decade. If we're talking critically, then IMO Dinosaur (which is essentially forgotten nowadays) was

Yeah, I can see how Gaston would read as one-note on first viewing, but he gets both more entertaining and more horrifying with every re-watch for precisely the reasons you mention.

La La Land was the best movie I saw in theaters this year, but I really hope it wasn't the best movie released in theaters this year.

I can appreciate its artistry, but it doesn't have the heart and chemistry of his better films (or, uh, of some of his worse films). And Leslie Caron has never worked for me, for whatever reason.

I think what Reddit is attempting to do is to piss them off enough that they voluntarily choose to fuck off to other sites and stop ruining the user experience for everybody else/preventing Reddit from attracting a more diverse (and bigger) user base.

It's pretty hit and miss, though. Like, there are plenty of subs that are totally unrelated to politics that are completely infected with that stuff that you wouldn't expect. Recent WTF moments I've experienced in the last month or so alone on Reddit:

I don't think the restaurant industry would fold, but it's also hard to believe that it wouldn't change. In countries where tipping is less prevalent, service is either both slower and less personalized, and in some cases table service doesn't really exist outside of fancier joints—you just order at the counter

Even so, urine would not necessarily be a deal-killer for a germaphobe. There’s that old trope again: transgression can be arousing for some.

Otherwise I feel like the most likely outcome is the economy collapsing from every financial institution getting massively hacked once a year.

Well, insider trading only really works so long as it's insider knowledge, right? If every rich person starts swapping financial knowledge and selling socks, then the results probably don't stay secret for long. (Also, no reason they can't be insider trading and murdering people at their purge night galas.)

but really no thieves or rapists

It's not terrible or anything, but the best thing I can say about it is that it's competent. It has an interesting premise that ends up being 90 percent wasted for standard horror/thriller tropes and very little introspection. Fortunately we got to dig deeper in the sequels.