nancy drew

Because feminism is bad, but when it comes from somebody who hasn't bothered to do the bare minimum of pandering to their dumb asses by maintaining conventional Hollywood standards of beauty, it's even worse.

Given how badly Walker has gutted the state educational system, he might be onto something—in a couple years, Ken Burns documentaries might be all that the UW can afford.

My understanding is that UCB didn't release his name. Others in the comedy circuit did. So no, he could not sue UCB.

She's 30 and it's Hollywood, so chances are like 50/50 on that. (I'm being flip, but while I'm glad she donated the money, Hollywood is a very dicey industry in general, let alone if you're a woman heading into your 30s, let alone if you just accused one of Hollywood's biggest stars of abuse on top of that. I hope

Because she works in an industry where her ability to work is dependent on how much the public likes her?

Yeah, the new Code of Points has essentially no bonus points for gracefulness or creativity, so gymnasts have no reason to bother. It definitely has led to increased skill progression, but at the expense of beauty/interestingness. It's essentially almost a different sport than, say, the gymnastics of the '60s or '70s.

When gymnastics switched the Code of Points a handful of years back it accelerated the evolution that had already been happening to a more athletic, less artistic sport.

Wait, does this mean that there's only one?

Not only allowed to, but from a legal standpoint, it's probably the smart thing to do if the claims are even halfway believable. If they get tip-offs that the guy is a rapist and ignore them, then if the guy rapes somebody else at a show there/that he takes home from a show there/etc. it's possible they could be

It sounds like Lochte told his mom he'd been robbed and she went to the media, which got the police involved.

Also that there's a guy whose name is basically Degrassi running for Canada.

I had a former coworker rape a current coworker this year, so unfortunately I'm very well-acquainted with how it plays out. The plus side is that if your community is not full of douches, community self-policing works pretty damn well. (Not only was the rapist cut off from the bulk of his social circle, where he had

I mean, as of right now your choices are a) change the justice system (not gonna happen), b) change the technology to make rape easier detect (in the long run this will probably be what happens, but it's not feasible yet), c) accept that victims will be pursuing methods of justice outside the justice system, or d)

Uh, yes, if a guy is preying on women he meets as a result of his comedy gigs, then taking away his gig minimizes his ability to meet women to prey on and makes it more likely that the women he does come into contact with know his name and not to go home with him. (Especially if, as in this story, it becomes national

Sure, but in a crime like rape where there is very often no evidence outside of he said-she said, such a high burden of proof means that it's borderline impossible for victims to get justice through the justice system. Which is why it shouldn't surprise people when victims pursue justice through other means.

O.J. was also acquitted. This is a very bad argument.

Actually, they initially found one guilty and one not guilty.

Nobody's sending him to prison over their internet opinions. The worst thing that happens to him at this point is that people decide he's a massive asshole and Fox decides it's not financially worth it to release his film (that he's already received a payout on). People are allowed to believe he's an asshole without,

To be fair, "all the plot in the first half, all the dancing in the second half" is pretty much a staple of Romantic era ballet.

Wikipedia says that part of the reason for cancellation was that they just plain couldn't get injury insurance anymore.