nancy drew

It's the reverse, actually—gymnastics is the most popular sport, so they chop it to pieces and air it in segments so they can keep people watching throughout the entire broadcast rather than tuning in solely for one event.

"He's racist" and "he's employing white male identity politics" aren't really synonymous, although I suppose the former could be an instance of the latter.

I feel like ghosting is one of those things that everybody says they hate, but realistically around 90 percent of people handle flat-out rejection much worse than being ghosted, no matter what they claim. The problem is that there's really no way of figuring out if you're dealing with the 90 percent or the 10 percent

Yeah, the interesting part of this election is that Trump is probably relying on identity politics more than any candidate, but they're white male identity politics, so there's almost no discussion or even identification of it.

Lin-Manuel Miranda was invited and wanted to come but had stuff (related to Mary Poppins, I think looks like benefits in Puerto Rico, from his Twitter) that kept him from being able to commit. The cast performed a fundraiser show for her instead.

Ah, yes, the universally hated Chloe Grace Moretz that has 2.5+ million Twitter followers.

They don't have political convictions. They don't care about gay marriage, abortion, or voting rights. They don't even actually care about corporate greed. What they care about expressing their hatred for Hillary Clinton and/or establishment politicians in general. Their sole political convictions are "tear down the

Blimey! But we don't let you bloody Brits vote in our elections anyway.

I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't.

The Sanders loyalists are a much smaller group than the Clinton loyalists in 2008, but they aren't party members and therefore have no problem burning everything to the ground if they don't get their candidate, something that was not true of most of the Clinton holdouts eight years ago. (PUMAs not withstanding!)

. . . all of whom are posting in this comment section or will appear shortly, now that someone on the internet has invoked the term "Bernie bros," haha.

Haha, it's an indie movie in that its budget was nonexistent. But yes, it definitely doesn't have the same aesthetics or vibe as the other movies I mentioned.

Green was one of the forerunners of the trend, and it really took off after The Fault in Our Stars exploded, I think. And then we got a bunch of indie movie adaptations along those lines—The Spectacular Now, Me Earl and the Dying Girl, The DUFF, Perks of Being a Wallflower, etc. But Hollywood tended to be warier of it

Yeah, quirky realistic contemporary was the big thing for a while there. It's on the downswing in books, but movie adaptations seem to be a few years behind, so I'm guessing we've got a few more years of it there before it burns out. (I still expect every single book John Green has ever written to end up in theaters

I re-read the Caitlin books a couple years back, and they are so gloriously '80s—like Dynasty for teenagers, basically. The best part is that the thing that sets her entire redemption arc into motion is that she accidentally leaves a shed door open and this kid gets in and eats a bunch of poisonous pesticides or

I think they do it so the rest of us know to avoid them.

Sexual assault is a crime that generally has so little evidence that police departments already regularly decline to prosecute cases that are brought to them long before the statute of limitations expires. Without concrete evidence, there's no point in even taking the case to court, because there's no possible way to

Weirdly enough, J.M. Barrie also had an older brother who died young. He used to dress up in his older brother's clothing and pretend to be him to comfort his grieving mother—who allegedly took comfort in the fact that, since her son died at such a young age, he'd remain a child forever in her mind. Kinda like, uh,

We didn't refer to it as a "thigh gap," but I definitely knew plenty of girls online who were obsessed with getting one (and as somebody who is naturally predisposed to never having one no matter how thin I get, I was one of them).

Well, the problem is that female cartoon characters are largely stylized in the same ways every single time. I don't really know what that has to do with Shaggy, though.