nancy drew

Thigh gap wasn't even a fucking thing in the '90s.

I think the movie is watchable either way, but whether you see Rob as the pop culture-savvy protagonist you might identify with or the immature asshole hung up on really dumb shit largely depends on your age, I think. Fortunately the movie seems to be at least somewhat self-aware when it comes to this dichotomy and

Yup, was just gonna mention Steve Taylor's movies. The Second Chance is also noticeably more nuanced than the average Christian film—the interesting thing about it is that it takes a very common trope in Christian film (the white preacher who goes to the impoverished black neighborhood to “help” people but finds

Like I said, the intentions were clearly good; it just didn't necessarily land the way it was intended. It would have been better to focus on the fact that this is one of the only Oscar categories that can actually be used to create social change as opposed to just two hours of explosions and love stories to distract

Yeah, I listened to the commentary once, and it's clear that Deutch identifies with Duckie and sees him as something of a wish fulfillment figure, so he included more of him than makes sense to the plot.

Yeah, the intentions were good, but it basically set up a scenario where everybody was gawking at the winner for how comparatively "poor" they were rather than for their talent. You have to feel a bit out of your league if you're at the Oscars surrounded by millionaires who are wearing dresses that cost more than your

Blaine is a douchebag, but at least he's a douchebag that Andie was attracted to. Duckie is an emotionally exhausting weirdo who she isn't attracted to, so it makes no sense whatsoever that their ending up together could be portrayed as a happy ending for her. (For Duckie, I guess, it would be fine. But it ain't his

The NYT had an actual article a couple days ago that quoted polls that said 20 percent of Trump's supporters thought that freeing the slaves was a bad idea, so, uh . . . yeah, probably, they are.

There's also no way you could effectively patrol a wall that long, anyway, so . . . even if you can't afford a plane, you can afford a ladder.

The impression that I get is that this wasn't a ruling on the sexual assault (that trial starts later) but just on the contract. Which, if so, the verdict isn't surprising. But it's still deeply upsetting—unless she can come up with some sort of confession from Dr. Luke or something, there's no way for her to win

Both true, but I also think he's actually the best of the field this time. (It helps that it's a really weak field.)


This isn't even Kendrick Lamar's worst snub in Grammys history.

Unlike a lot of pop artists, she has the songwriting talent to translate across genres. (Obviously—she's already switched gears a couple times.) I'd be shocked if she can maintain this level indefinitely, but she doesn't really need to—her style would adapt well to indie pop or alt-country or multiple other genres,

I wish Kendrick would have won solely so I wouldn't have to listen to people invoking dismissive sexist bullshit of Swift and pop music for the next week. There's a (pretty strong) argument for TPAB on its own without resorting to retrograde take-downs of Swift, who also put out a really good album.

I'm certainly not going to judge anybody for thinking that Kendrick should have won, but what confuses me is the people who fall back on sexism to support that point. People underestimate how hard it is to write a great pop song, and Taylor is consistently one of the greatest in the business at it. To reduce that to

Yes, if you like pop music (which almost nobody who posts here does). It was one of the best pop albums in years. Kendrick's album was one of the best hip-hop albums in years. Neither would have been a bad pick, and it's hard to compare albums in completely disparate genres. Kendrick's album is obviously more

Yeah, at this point it seems pretty clear that he's either having a psychotic break or some sort of drug issue? This shit isn't normal, even for somebody who loves attention as much as Kanye.

L. Ron Hubbard hates black people.