nancy drew

Some sources are reporting that Sanders won at least a couple flips too, but the media is mostly ignoring those because it makes the story less sexy, haha. (That link also points out that the coin tosses don't actually lead to additional state delegates, so they probably didn't actually win the election for Hillary,

You say that like "Magic Place" is a worse name than "Hogwarts."

That's going to be true regardless of whether he's played by a black actor or Joseph Fiennes.

The thing about Disney is that while they absolutely do make mistakes regarding gender/race/etc. in their films—given enough controversy, they always learn from it. The outcry over Aladdin was enough to get them to commit to (relatively) racially accurate voice actors for the main parts years before most animation

The situation is a lot better on TV than it is in the movies, partially due to NPH's success at playing Barney on HIMYM. In the movies, you are basically still barred from leading man/lady roles (or doing certain genres, like action) if you're out, at least in major pictures. Things are a little better in indie films,

NPH's sexuality was an open secret in Hollywood at that point, but he didn't actually come out to the public until HIMYM's second season was airing.

You were a baby for years? Something about this story seems suspicious.

It's an extra shitty criticism because a huge percentage of the female directors in Hollywood got their big break because they were related to/married to/dating somebody who could pull strings for them . . . because if they don't have anybody who can pull strings for them, the job goes to a white dude. Female

That's why "FourFiveSeconds" was such an interesting departure. It's much closer to her actual personality (or at least the one she portrays in social media) than any of her previous singles have been.

Part of her problem in the past was that she was dropping an album basically every year, and at the pace she was going, they were bound to be a bit uneven. She had so much more time to figure this one out that I'm hoping it'll maintain the quality of her better stuff throughout!

She vacillates between releasing really great pop songs ("Umbrella," "We Found Love") and incredibly lazy pop songs ("S&M), which is . . . pretty fitting with her overall brand, I guess.

Yeah, the dialogue between the two leads is, in most of these movies, probably pretty equal (aside from movies like Aladdin/Cinderella/Snow White where the title characters are clearly the protagonists and there isn't meant to be equal screen time for them and their love interest). I don't think the Beast speaks any

The Narrator, Maleficent's raven, and based on the wikipedia summary, three of "Maleficent's goons" were big enough to get speaking parts. (There's also Aurora's mom on the "women" side.)

The prince in that one basically only shows up for ten minutes of screen time and says very little.

But she also does drugs.

That's it, we've reached peak whiteness.

Wilson Phillips?

Yeah, NPH did it last year and a) he's white and not especially political, and b) there was significantly less frustration over the whiteness of the acting nominees last year as opposed to this year. I can't imagine the host wouldn't be doing jokes about it, regardless of who they were.

I refuse to upvote that out of principle.

Well, that person had sex with Kevin Smith, so the name wasn't even the worst decision she made.