nancy drew

Really? Claudia's batshit insane/totally unbelievable spelling mistakes tend to be the one thing even casual readers remember about that series even 25 years later. (Okay, and her batshit insane/totally unbelievable outfits.)

Apparently Traci Lord the porn star named herself after Hepburn's character in The Phildelphia Story (which High Society is a musical remake of). Porn was a classier industry in those days, apparently.

Same thing's been happening to me! I thought it was my phone.


In a particularly French application of logic, that's okay because it's discriminating against a religion instead of a race!

I think part of it is that France's approach to race seems—at least to me, as an outsider—quite a bit different than the U.S.'s (or the U.K.'s or a lot of other western countries), specifically in the sense that "being colorblind" seems to be the ideal. They specifically don't track race on their census, they're very

But that's the thing; "mediocre" and "whitewashing history" could be said of plenty of movies that were nominated for Oscars. In those respects, it's not a dissimilar movie to, say, Walk the Line, which was nominated for five different Oscars and won a few of them.

It's rarely explicitly stated, but I suspect that people who aren't interested generally just fade to the background and wait to get kicked off rather than forcing a confrontation.

It probably wouldn't have been much different. They all sign the same non-disclosure contract, and the show is incredibly overzealous in enforcing it. (I used to follow a blogger who was on the show for about ten seconds and wrote a post about her experience that was barely more illuminating than this one, and within

I think he was going to be the straight man that grounded everybody else's insanity, but once Ann integrated into the group, she filled that role much better* and Mark was pretty extraneous.

I don't know how his character played when the show was originally airing, but I tried to get into it a few years back and couldn't, and his character was by far the worst part. The Nice Guy vibes were rolling off of him in waves. His whole character felt so dated.

I was being a bit flip—Holloway did great in the role—but to me his backstory and emotional arc were just very, very tired and trite, and the writers failed to explore them in any new or interesting ways. (That's true of 75 percent of the backstories on Lost, though; they just tend to grate more the more screen time

Sawyer sucks; his backstory is terrible and he was insufferable for several seasons on the island. The only reason anybody likes him is because Josh Holloway was so good at smoldering!

Well, she's definitely the least objectionable part of that foursome; I'll give you that much!

Oh god, this just reminded me of how much I hated Duncan Kane.

It was bizarre that Lost chose to focus so heavily on the Jack/Kate/Sawyer/Juliet quad, because they were BY FAR the show's least interesting characters.

Yeah, I said this in another post, but she felt like she was from an entirely different show than all the other characters.

Can we make a special sub-post for all the ostensible leads of shows who are the weakest, most irritating link of it? Because I think Gilmore Girls would be a really good show if it weren't for Rory. Come at me, bros (and lady-bros).

Yeah, I used to belong to an internet community where various "Zac Efron dancing emotionally on a golf course" GIFs made up at least 10 percent of the total GIFs posted.

That kid is way too high to give a fuck about the Oscars.