
The problem is that Daniels isn’t arguing that white men are not held accountable for their actions— he has no issue with that. His issue is that a black man is being held accountable*. Instead of wanting all abusers to be punished, he wants none of them to be punished.

Oh, a black guy robbed someone in the dorms last week? I guess Becky had every reason to suspect that the black woman sleeping in the common room was there to mug her!

Taylor’s tour has been struggling to sell tickets and that album pretty much came and went. Kim K’s Snapchat exposure of her duplicitousness (along with that disaster of a PR relationship with Tom Hiddleston) may have had a bigger effect on her star power than we realized at the time.

I agree that those aren’t burpees- BUT, can you do 1,490 of what she just did in an hour? No? Then she didn’t game her way in.

Say what you want about PETA, but using elephants for entertainment is completely unethical.

Fuck PETA.

Are you trying to say we should ignore the inhumane treatment of animals because PETA is shit?

I’m not really inclined to agree with PETA, even as a gross I CANT LEAVE MY HOUSE ON A FRIDAY NIGHT BECAUSE MY DOG IS LONELY person that consumes, subconsciously, minimal animal products (because I live on sweet chili doritos which are better than cool ranch and are also VEGAN). PETA has a shitty track record, they

I was a PETA member about 5000000000000000 years ago, and have since mostly disavowed them and their antics.

I never competed at this level, but as a woman who trained for over a decade, this doesn’t surprise me in the least. It wasn’t until ~5 years after I quit taekwondo that I fully appreciated the depth of sexism and inappropriate behavior I’d experienced. As a teenager, I was training with men who were all 5+ years

I hear what you are saying, and that was my reaction: is the risk of 40 weeks of detention worth having your name trashed?

As a lawyer (immigration, not criminal), I’ve interacted with many innocent people who pled guilty to things because their attorney advised them not to fight charges, since it would guarantee they didn’t spend any time in jail (which meant they could keep their jobs and suffer a minimum disruption of their lives).

Any time I see someone bragging about what a hot, sex-obsessed doormat his wife is, my first inclination is that she probably left him years ago and these posts are what he uses to maintain his fantasy world.

Everyone pretending the jokes were about SHS’s appearance is projecting like crazy. They privately think and even joke about Sanders’ looks constantly and so read any comments about her through that lens.

My daughter is eleven. Right now she’s at a phase in her life where her friend group is equally boys and girls and she cherishes them all. There are hints of little crushes here and there, but mostly, they’re still kids.

I love the term “incel-tier girlfriend”. For these guys, it’s not even about not having sex with women - it’s not having sex with the right women. The kind of women they deserve to bone. And they feel so entitled to this that if they don’t get it, they think the best corrective action is to murder random people.

This isn’t about erasing history. It’s about considering the balance of the legacy of historical figures and, from there, determining who is worth celebrating and in what way.

You might be right (I disagree, but I might be wrong) if not for this:

one of the values of sport is to level the playing field when someone is born with an advantage? so should Mike Trout have to play with a heavier bat than everyone else? should Messi have to play with weights tied to his ankles? should we just turn into Harrison Bergeron?