
But I remember Kwan getting pushback for not being American enough. Always little micro-agression stuff, but "American beats Kwan" and comments about not being artistic — it's not crazy to think that we're at the point where being really good will take you far, but in absence of any great contenders, having a pretty,

I remember a lot of micro-agression-y racist shit that went on when Michelle Kwan was active though.

Uh, since we're being comfortable about our bodily functions, can anyone give me any tips on the staying well-hydrated but also not needing to pee all the dang time issue.

"We really need to find a way to punish people for hurting our feelings, but make sure it doesn't accidentally get anyone who isn't hurting our feelings. On the other hand, we've managed to do exactly that here, so it's probably not a big priority."

Can people please use twitter to tweet this at Ed Sherman 100,000,000 times?

I'm pretty sure this was inspired by BDSM fanfictions written by 13-year old girls.

I'd love something like this as well. I mean 'crop top' does sound incredibly silly, but this is so pretty, and arguably more forgiving on some figures than ye olde strapless ballgown.

But then I will go outside and shout "I do, I do, I do believe in polar vortexes!" and clap my hands, and then the polar vortex will come back to life.

That's what I thought too. The scenery, it was chewed.

Uh, I think maybe we're talking about slightly different things, and that's my fault because I was being unclear, and I'm not really invested in this discussion anymore, like not even enough to start a new sentence, but I wanted to say sorry anyway.

You're not wrong.

The MPRE, for reference, is a 60 question multiple choice exam, with scaled score between 50 and 150, with a median around 100. Passing scores range from 75 to 85.


This is late and will remain unseen in the grays, but, as a transracial adoptee, I found the original incident to be hurtful. Like most racism, it wasn't because of anyone's intention, but a lifetime of always being made to feel like I don't belong in my family, by people who knew nothing about us. I believe that

I feel awesome, because I'm pretty much built for cold weather comfort. I'm fat, I have great circulation, I don't sweat much, and my body definitely kicks into a second gear of heat production when I get cold. BRING IT ON, HERCULES.

In before someone takes this review incredibly seriously and attempts to refute every point in it? Probably not.

I really enjoyed all the comments on every gawker media beyonce article complaining about hyperbole and over-coverage. I imagine the writers giggling to themselves while thinking of how to write the maximum number of Beyonce pieces in the coming week.

It is depressing to live each day of your life, knowing you will never be as awesome as Michelle Obama, so I can see why people lash out, but really.

I know no one's going to see at it this point, but all the people going "Oh, but what's wrong with asking people where they're from?" is driving me mad.