Franken’s smile here is awesome. You can see it in his eye that he would love to tell the chanters the same. I don’t think we all have to fall in line and behave perfectly once a nominee is picked, there is still stuff to fight for, but fight for the ideas and not a single man. Sanders is a good senator who espouses…
This Maya Rudolph commercial for Seventh Generation aired during Full Frontal and it’s my new favorite commercial.
“To be fair, the dead don’t generally try to get their stolen civil rights back”
Stand there in the corner and be wrong.
“PJ’s before DJs”
“All My Friends are Hotter than You”
I will tell him to call you after we wrap up our phone seks.
This song gets me and I can't even listen to it because it's shark week and I'll probably cry! But thanks for reminding me of it. I want to collect lady anthems like this!
I’m pretty sure “I will use whatever power over you that I have, even for some petty bullshit, and I love watching your life have to bend to my whims” is also what he really means.
I’ve never much cared for Ben Folds’ music, but good on him for being a real friend to Kesha in such an ugly business. Wish there were more dudes like him and none like Dr. Luke in the world.
A. Men.
this is fucking exhausting.
I mean, this isn’t the first time Pete Campbell’s baby mama kept her pregnancy and delivery a secret.
The confusion is somewhat understandable. Maybe white dudes can all wear a t-shirt with their name on it, like “blond Steven” and “slightly greying Steven” and “hung Steven”.
I must admit, we white dudes are pretty basic, what with all our fantasy football leagues, craft beer nonsense, and hairiness.
Think of all the awesome rhymes though.
I hope people understand the courage it takes survivors to come out publicly with their stories. I’m so impressed with these women and their strength. I hope this helps them both on their journeys to recovery.
“Innocent until proven guilty” is the standard in a court of law, not in the court of public opinion.
Now that Thanksgiving has passed and we’re just about to hit December, it’s perfectly fine to dust off your old Love…