
I bet his pronunciation of “croissant” is wonderful.

Well he’s Canadian. I would say it’s not uncommon for us to pronounce it in that francophone style.


This is the only time I’ll ever complain about the woman in a beer ad not being stacked enough.

There is no age to not have birthday cake. I’d rather just have an ice cream cake than an actual party. I can’t eat a party. I can eat ice cream cake because ice cream cake is delicious.

I’d have a bigger laugh if someone surprised me with a marijuana cake though

Did you write “air?” C’mon, my Dude. Ya just erred ;)

I agree with this, but that someone was fired over this, is just plain disappointing. 

Nah, she got vilified on the internet. No mention of an apology or anything from either the manager or corp. That does not pretty much “fix the error.” The only person who suffers in that situation is the employee. 

Yep. And don’t have Mom get you a cake for your 25th birthday - go out with your friends and have an adult birthday. I’m just wondering if the rest of the story includes her Mom getting her a pony and a bounce house, too.

On the one hand yeah, getting a Moana cake at 25 is kinda strange, on the other hand, “It’s my birthday, I can damn well get whatever cake I want!” is valid. 

The firing wouldn’t have happened in the first place if someone turning 25 accepted that they’re a damn grown up now. 

Time machines are probably why we’re in this mess in the first place.  

That wasn’t at all my intention and if it came across that way I apologize. I was intending it to be what dirtside says. 

Technically it should be called “sex reveal” right? But them Puritan hangups make that a hard word to say

Yeah but they also let us know who to go back and sterilize once we have time machines.

Ooh, rich boy buys his mustard in JARS.

Back in my day we threw parties not about gender but if the baby lived......

The really sad thing is that by definition, the people who do gender reveals are passing on their genes.

I think everyone needs to shut their lying whore mouths.