
She could be wrong about them pushing her out, sure.

I mean...the fact that they put him through the sexual harassment training means that it was probably true.

His go-to: "Have you met my brother Mike?..."

Raymond Loves Everybody

I have a Vanna White story. So I was flying from LA to Dallas and she was in the seat next to me. So we make small talk, she sees I’m reading a book she had just finished and did the whole “oh wait until you get to the part.....”. Anyway the plane is just about finished boarding an in walks Rush Limbaugh. We both make

The Yankees were rained out, so naturally everyone’s day is canceled.

I still enjoy Mallrats. If what got cut had been left in, sure it would have been better, but it has a lot of that 90s slacking/bullshitting charm to it. 

I actually think that’s a film that’s aged... interestingly. For a while, it aged poorly... it’s a movie where a straight guy turns a lesbian straight. But I think it’s aged right back to actually interesting, providing an example of sexual/romantic fluidity. We have a woman who identifies as lesbian who begins dating

I agree about the grading thing. One of the moves Ebert did was grade each movie on what it set out to accomplish vs. what it managed to accomplish. So he wouldn’t give a silly kid’s movie an easier shot at a better review vs. something from an auteur. He would use the same process for each, even if one seemed a lot

Sweet jeebus. You're right. 

Movies aren’t a dichotomy between high art and lazy nostalgia, whatever the industry would like you to believe. Everyone deserves better than mediocrity when devoting their money and time.

Must be a stressful week.  You didn’t even realize it was Wednesday!

I gave up on him as a filmmaker years ago and I’m sure others did, too.

I’m still pissed off 20 years later that he apologized for Mall Rats. Compared to Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Mall Rats is high art.

If the debacle really did inspire him to make “Happy”, it seems that maybe a couple of months.

Oof. Didn’t realize how many tiny white men Jamil offended by speaking her mind prior to reading the comments here. However will white men earn back their deserved respect?

A Female, so really drag me good!

Oh shit is that Kamilah’s sister?

Well, Blake is clearly of the opinion that Jamil’s contribution was greater than that, and I guess he would know.

He’s saying people should get credit for the work they do. Maybe chill on the manufactured outrage there, buddy.

She’s the best name-dropper on Television.