
Ladies, I cannot stress enough how important a nice, tight casing is for your kielbasa. And if you aren't using the mustards I recommended, I will stop you and apply them myself.

Wrong. Bathing and cleanliness, like many other things in our country, are big business. Large scale media campaigns create anxiety over body odor, causing us to think we need a whole host of products to stay clean.

Here are the real deciding factors on how often you should be showering:

Showering twice a day or more on the reg is so absurd to me. Y'all must have some dry skin issues.

You're not supposed to shower everyday. It's bad for your skin and your immune system. It's not unhygienic to skip showers if there's no compelling need for one.

I have difficulty making this obvious to people, who will not listen to me despite American history being my field. A system that was designed specifically to commodify people cannot be redeemed by the experiences of a few when so many were treated poorly as dictated and allowed by the law. Those few that did not

'If you actively speaks against discrimination, then suddenly is all "of course you defend black people"...'

Yes, unfortunatelly it is a perfect example. Surely, we're in 2015, it's not as bad as in the past, we're way more progressive today, but it's something that still happens. A more common form of this "acting white" is that you're expected to not have a strong instance on racism, display more conservative opinions. If

How about we produce movies like this because these stories deserve to be told while also producing all kinds of different movies starring black people? I'm so sick of people complaining about "slave movies". There are probably two thousand WWII movies and spaghetti westerns starring white folks and many more

Canadian here.... Are there really still folks who aren't illiterate slobbering white supremacist KKK-type idiots who think that slavery "wasn't that bad"...?

Stories like this are common than people think (did a bunch of research on it for my senior thesis.) If you look up fugitive slave postings from the last few decades before the civil war, so many of them are "blonde haired, blue-eyed slave boy run away!" "sandy haired woman with fair skin and freckles posing as white

Great story, thanks for posting it, Mrs. Serratore! It reminded me of an aspect of racism in the US that always intrigued: the one drop rule. Because here in Brazil, my country, we had slavery and we surely have racism, but the criteria is simply visual: if your skin is clear enough, you get all the social perks of

Yes!! This story is fascinating. This is where some of us came from and that makes me proud.

Please, no. Great story, but can we please produce stories where black people are something other than slaves or freedom fighters. K thanks.

I was thinking, how vain must you be to date a literal doppelganger of yourself? I'd keep feeling like I was dating my own brother!

This has to be peak narcissism.

Hey, at least it's not as bad as people dating someone who looks EXACTLY like them. Sample images are below.

My sister was well into her 7th month before she found out. She still had a flat tummy until the last two weeks when she suddenly POPPED out like she was smuggling a basketball.

This happened to a well-known radio guy in Cedar Rapids, IA. His wife had been told that due to various health issues, it was unlikely she could conceive. Scott had a stage IV cancer and was told he would never father a baby due to years of chemo. So it made sense that any symptoms would be brushed off as something