
Troll is what intellectually lazy people call people who advance an argument they can't logically refute.


Really what she did was publish a holiday greeting, and other people made it into a huge conflagratory deal for absolutely no reason whatsoever, making them the "trolls." She's not a "troll" or attentionseeker for posting a holiday card to people who follow her.

Hmm... alrighty

I didn't say you should mistreat cattle. What does that have to do with people calling out a toddler doing something that dogs themselves do amongst themselves quite frequently? Most dogs are born with multiple siblings and grow up with other beings equal in weight to them stepping and crawling on them and vice versa.

Well-reasoned. She is in fact a vulva. (?) Where are the people able to be rational?

Her comment about Barack Obama wasn't racist. She's saying the same people calling her out for taking a picture of Trig stepping on the dog don't have anything to say about Barack Obama eating dog. Who eats dog, in what culture is irrelevant, because as a basic fact of logic, calling out a temporary possible

I probably also should have noted that both dogs and little kids also climb on each other in this haphazard way. The dog may or may not have been in pain while he was doing this and Sarah Palin probably wasn't considering this, but I am not understanding the total hypocrisy of on this same site calling Fox News morons

My 80-pound boxer used to use me as a chair when I was lying down asleep as boxers like to do. I agree that this is not... anything. It's the equivalent of Fox going crazy over Obama's $1,000 dinner (the making of which probably involved some actual animal casualties).

Yes I am prepared for it. Well this is an old thread so not much going on here and I'm not going to be feeding any more of this bad journalism, but to respond to your question, of course I am prepared for this eventuality, but it is actually extremely rare for babies with that condition to survive. But yes, you are

If you want to know why this year was so insanely lacking in basic human empathy and logic astrology can explain it:…

Six of the seven squares have passed and now there's just one more to go, in March. Take it or leave it but there's something to it. A lot of tumultous upheaval of

It is hard to distinguish enraptured heavy breathing from not being able to breathe cause there's a plastic mask on his face.

Her parents aren't actually any more shitdick than the rest of society. Society irrationally operates on the idea that an aggregation of stereotypical behaviors makes a person either "man" or "woman." The very concept of transgender operates on this assumption. Liking Sailor Moon doesn't actually have anything to do

Woody Allen was in the news last February when Dylan Farrow wrote her NYT piece and then Woody's dismissive retort eclipsed the original piece as if it had never happened. In February, this was new. Nothing was done about it.

Where's the cascade of Roman Polanski jokes then? I guess a white man abusing people isn't as much fun to make gleeful jokes about?


Judd Apatow is one of those "in-crowd" people who no one wants to criticize because he is subversive enough to provide opportunities for people who are listened to even less by other mainstream people, but mainstreamly conservative enough of... yeah... Caucasoid male boysclubbishness to be taken seriously by anyone

If someone doesn't have enough money to get where they really need to go and he's taking advantage of that by trying to get servicing of his penis out of this, he is exploitative.

I don't feel stupid at all, I just think you're a hypocrite.

No one "consents" to be braindead. No one wants to be braindead. It is avoided at all costs. She did however want to have her child, and she LIKE EVERY PREGNANT WOMAN WHO WANTS TO BE PREGNANT was already willingly "using" her body as a biological incubator

I said a living will comes into conflict with the right of the fetus to live. They are at odds with each other so a moral conflict. Ethically, the fetus' life should have more weight since the mother is not actually harmed by being kept alive but not experiencing, but the living will has some weight.

My name isn't