
Dead baby inside my body. I feel the need to post this to every person using this as fact-free gossip hour seeing as Anna didn't do the consideration of posting my ultrasounds which SHOW THAT I'M RIGHT.

Again: I am probably not going to have a live birth because there is one anencephalic fetus that looks dead and one that looks anencephalic which in itself is bad in my ultrasounds. This is my way of using my eyes and brain. Good lord, have any of you people thought of the fact that you need to see things for yourself

I've actually had seven ultrasounds. I am not sure where anybody is getting the number 20. And the explanation was a lie. I was telling them to please continue with the ultrasound, what he was referring to was me requesting that the ultrasound technician not press on my belly hard like in previous ultrasounds because

The ultrasounds show a fetus. As I said, eight people besides me including ONE RADIOLOGIST have already said it does. One is an Army biologist who independently noted that the skull has a defect, and she had no trouble believing me since she is currently on her second pregnancy with negative blood and urine tests. Are

I am well aware that ultrasounds aren't pictures. The uterine lining does not look like this though.

I already said I don't care, and if anybody can help me rather than sit back and dissect this totally based on feeling not fact, the way people dissect celebrities' clothing choice in gossip rags then I would want them to be able to contact me. I have nothing to be ashamed of, I'm not the one being stupid or abusive

It won't let me link, but you and your 92 likers should probably read up on actual science. "Beware of "hook effect" giving false negative pregnancy test on point-of-care kits" has this to report:

I'm not sure why Kinja isn't working or if it is and the replies just aren't appearing but way to assume, like everyone else irrationally assuming in this article. I am half white and half Native American/black and I think it really just goes to show you what happens when people make up stories about people without