
Just fucking stop, lady! None of your kids will be happy, you won't be able to send any of them to college (if they choose to go) unless they want to take student loans and be in debt for the rest of their lives, much less help them pay for weddings (if they choose to get married)! Way to give your kids a head start.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Yeah. Loathe the art world. Loathe it. Who ever took these images was obviously as talented as Ansel Adams, but he didn't have the name.

They started this a few years ago here in Chicago. I have to say it isn't nearly as bad as some would think. Yes, there is the occasional loud mouth that doesn't know when to shut the hell up or even know that microphone on your cell are much better than they used to be. But more often than not people use their

We just moved into an apartment building in Chicago. There are 12 apartments in my building. I calls Comcast to set up our service with them and here is our delightful little conversation:

These are incredible. Long live pinhole photography!

@robotkiller: Seriously I would trade the thinness of my Droid X for something a bit fatter with a battery that lasts and real keys.

I'm sorry but fuck that. Women and girls alike need to have a drop dead gorgeous celebrity let them know it's OK to not be glamorous, frivolous twats.

@LadyTudorRose: I don't know....she kind of looks like Dr. Elsa Schneider from the Last Crusade.

Without hearing exactly what she said I'm withholding judgment. This may be a perfectly valid email if she was being snotty with him. I think more people should call out others on their bullshit.

Pick up line from my to-be?

I'm going to say it- I'm pagan, I believe there is great power in a menstruating woman. This, however, I find disgusting and I don't care how "artistic" or even autistic it is.

@EpiphyteCorp.: They are scars from cutting- the self inflicted kind. The rows upon rows of scars indicate that they were all done in the same way.

@meloroast: Or how about if they donated any number of millions of dollars they have wrapped up in their 15 real estate locations and using it to....plant trees? Overthrow governments? Buy out destructive, wasteful companies and show us all how it really done?

I like the design of the bike. Aesthetically its better that putting after-market racks on your bike or a dreaded basket in the front....however I will keep my $1500 and keep using my $30 rack .

@CaptainJack: I don't think that all of Apple is a sham. But they are definitely not as shiny as they once were. I still like their products and feel more comfortable with my Mac than I do with a PC. It's sad that they aren't what they try to be. They aren't as eco-friendly or globally friendly as they would want us

@wjglenn: Agreed. Unless you have a super wind tunnel for a range hood.

@Digitallysick: They won't because they are secretly and hopelessly addicted to the trendy ideology of Apple and the iPhone and are terribly heartbroken that they were so betrayed by their beloved and "infallible" company.

A serious waste of technology.

@El El: maybe I have been watching it a bit much lately......