
@rob_p: It's because the Catholic Church makes it so easy to bash on them. They give enough material non-Catholics, ex-Catholics and Catholics alike! What other organization says it is equally sinful to ordain a woman as it is to rape an underage boy? And that's the LEADER!

@Captain_Midnight: Call of Duty intro- "15,000 people used to live here- now its a ghost town."

Some how I'm getting the feeling of "Krull" from these shots.....and I don't know how I feel about that.

Now playing

Cats and dogs I tell you! Just like Venkman said!

Not only do I kick off my heels at my desk but i also do stretches for my calves and ankles while I work. Going on year 3 I think my feet, ankles and calves feel better than when I wore my orthotics and boots all of the time. Who would have known?

@Moretta: But that would require her to look too masculine or possibly even unattractive and shes evidently far too vain for that.

"If these people would spend even some of the energy that they spend on these comic books, reading the Bible, well no high hopes here."

More than anything all of this PR is more about finally seeing that Apple isn't perfect. They do make mistakes. And Steve Jobs is an asshole CEO looking out for his own rather than the consumers. Is it a horrible phone that no one should buy and we should all boycott Apple now? No. However we see the the machine of

@HideyoshiJP: IMO the RX looks more like an intense grimace- like its working really REALLY hard. Maybe its the line you could make eyebrows out of coming down into a scowl.

"Teeheehheee ice cream truck!"

@aquajaws: That is a good point. I'm just always wary of not well tested systems coming out on hardware that isn't well tested either. Where would the troubleshooting begin if something did go wrong? Then they would have a bunch of really unhappy people saying how bad the Droid x is and how its just like the massive

@OrtizDupri: I would honestly rather a well tested OS be installed on my brand new (un-mass tested) phone than put a new OS on a new product that it may not work well with. For that I can wait. I see their reasoning behind it. Do I really think its right? No, not really. But I don't think it's a reason to shoot down

Listen this only has the possibility of breaking your phone if you install 2.2 BEFORE its officially released (which for the Droid X is supposed to happen in August). If it is installed after the 2.2 release for the Droid X it will be fine. Patience, people. It's still a badass phone.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: This is extremely biased and not providing the WHOLE story. The part that is left out is that it will only break your phone if you use a rom to upgrade the OS before it is officially released. Which is going to happen for the Droid X in just a couple of weeks. Patience.

So you started off as someone who was genuinely cute and I would totally ask out on a nice date into someone that looks like they belong in a horrible, low budget porn that I wouldn't let play with one of my vibrators.

"Oh no! Its one of them womens that has thoughts and is comfortable with things like the s-e-x-uality! Get her!"

If you are so worried about "your" women becoming Americanized then STAY IN YOUR F*ING HOME COUNTRY! When we Americans go to Iraq or a dozen other Muslim countries we are EXPECTED if not FORCED to wear a f*ing burka.

@lynbird: That's the therapy in it, though. You have to take an entire day off with/for it. Just like you plan a vacation you plan a trip.