And what is this chick world champion of?
And what is this chick world champion of?
Well she looks lighter without that 5 pound arm I'll have to admit!
K. As a non-sporting person this I kind of appreciate. At least I can tell when the trick is over- because they are sitting.
I was more impressed when it was more oats than beef.
Ok...fine...then that means I like oat taco supremes. I can live with that.
It's not uncommon for a woman to have a physical orgasm while she is being raped. There are all sorts of physical and psychological stimuli going on when it happens. But this may explain why that happens. It's just sad that hardly anyone talks about it but many women feel guilty or doubt themselves because of it. It…
@Domo: Here here!
@Unknown2U: Yes, but if this was a 36 year old man and a 13 year old girl it would be completely different.
When you have that many siblings you have to defend your territory!
Looks like you didn't go deep enough, deary. Maybe you should try again.
@Bigbadbikernerd: I have seen a lot of teens these days that need to be punched.
Being a woman myself I can't say that I disagree with many of his points. American women do have a stigma of being selfish and annoying.
Oh come on, Dr. Drew! They are pretty! Just look at them! They can't break up!
Why is Momsen still around? Hasn't her eye liner killed her yet? Damn.
Can't really tell in the photo but if these are actually mens clothes that are tailored for womens curves I think it is brilliant!
@wtfox?!: I think the saddest thing is that he wasn't arrested when he was parading amputated body parts around town. You can bet if that happened in Chicago someone would have called the cops.
People. Are. Dumb. if you have to hold onto the chair to keep from falling do you type whilst sitting in/on/around it?
Fine I guess I just won't watch the Super Bowl.
Maybe next time you could bring a book.