
@Howlingfantods: Absolutely it makes sense! These drugs can be very useful for things like depression or isolation and even relationship problems. Extacy was originally developed and used in marriage counseling to open partners up for one another. It really is a wonderful experience that has many wonderful benefits.

Carl Zeiss optics? Why can't this be an Android? Why? If only....

Ok I have a cat and would be in complete panic if I lost her. BUT this is ridiculously funny. And if she can't figure out how to make her own simple lost flyer then I can't blame the cat for leaving.

This is just stupid. When unmarried mothers face "unimaginable pressures" where you live then just don't get on plane to go there when you are bulging with baby! They are going to know! I think she needs to be prosecuted but more so the culture for bringing her to be this incredibly unstable.

I was walking to work in Chicago on a nice fall day and this guy that I walked by came up to me to tell me that I have "birthin' hips" and how he wanted to "hit them". I told him he had a stupid dick and asked if I could punch it. He left.

@Donovanesque: It's the Catholic guilt/repentance thing. If he made a movie about Jesus and the Passion he would obviously be forgiven for anything he may do in this life (e.i. beat the mother of his child whilst holding his child). Stupid loophole.

"I was watching this Martha Stewart thing on how to make a chandelier that doubles as a wine rack and mid way through someone came in and tried to choke me with it! But luckily obnoxious people like me can't die. Anyway I liked the way it looked and left it. "

@sybann: Drapes aren't sparkly/skimpy/stupid enough for her. She steals the table doilies and cabinet hardware instead.

@cadburyeggsalways: Silent sex would just be weird and awkward unless your parents or friends are on the other side of a thin door- in which case it is kind of fun to see how intense it can be and not be able to make a sound....

This is going to sound extremely harsh- people who have this big of a problem with what there children MIGHT become need to not have children. Despite giving them all of the love you can they may still "turn out" homosexual. They may still "turn out" to be democrat/republican when you are not. They may still "turn

@mordicai: Interesting inspiration for D&D NPCs! While I had a campaign where all the NPCs were based off my friends that were playing the game (to basically force them to play against themselves) I really like your idea!

@ginaromarienne: That's what I was saying in not such a clear way. Playboy saw that it was in her contract so there should have been no discussion about it. However, being in Playboy there is the stigma of being sexualized.

I feel that moaning and "vocal manipulation" is just the appropriate way of communicating during sex. You don't need to verbally ask for something on the other side of the dining table, but you ask "Can you please pass the_____?" just like during sex you don't NEED to moan. But its polite to let someone know when they

@flux: Also as a photographer- the person shooting this is probably not an "assistant" but another photographer. Even if this person was the assistant was he/she supposed to take the picture from the back? Getting all three of their butts? Not compositionally spectacular.

I think this is an awesome design. However it coming from Cannondale means its going to be like $10K. And for that I may as well invest in an electric car.

Props. And the "fat chick" in the pic is sexy as hell!

Ok. So it IS Playboy. Girls get naked and have their picture taken. If Playboy wanted to get her on the cover even though they recognized that she wasn't going to be doing a nude shoot then that should have been it. No discussion. No publicist needed.

So what if he's a pervert and likes weird things!? Unless those things are illegal or hurt people without their consent then by all means get your rocks off!

@rhymenoceros: Well thank you. I don't think I'm superior, maybe just with better common courtesy practices.

Wow. Way to back your man.