
@OverThatRainbow: You were very lucky! When I was 3 I was watching some version of the Little Mermaid (not the Disney) and I saw the sea witch give the mermaid a potion in a bottle that looked exactly like my mom's perfume bottle. So guess what I did.

OK. If you watch the "virtual reality" video in the background and the placement of the "scissors" the positions don't match up. So this is completely useless.

@Evie Havok: Especially if their status isn't legal.

@tessa: I agree. Unless in his confession he state "I shoved a screw down her throat because she was crying and I wanted to watch the game" he may just feel guilty about the damage done while trying to save her. Just think about how hard it would be to get a screw to come out of your throat. It would be painful and

When children receive far more attention when they look good of course that's what they are going to strive for. And when that is gone they will think that they aren't wanted or loved or worthy of attention! It's not complicated psychology.

I don't see anything that reminds me of Jesus- I do see a modern goddess though.

That's what you get for buying into the the Jonestown of technology we now know as Apple. Don't drink the kool-aid, kids, it's not worth it.

I'm sure if I had enough funding and did a lengthy study on on how being pro-life gives you 5 times the risk of spontaneously combusting I'd find something too!

So do what most Chicagoans do year round- layer! If you know you are going to a movie theater bring a damn hoodie. Yes, you look adorable in that tank top, but you make me angry when you complain about the cold!

@Ryan Hanks: Oily salt water baths to prevent rust? See, robots like spas too.

These things wouldn't happen if you would stop wearing stupid clothes in public. leave the UK and go back to your glorious, clean-footed Russia! What's that? You don't want to because of all of the freedom you have?

@PoG: "Another thought is that the rapist may do a finger check first, resulting in just making him more violent. "

I'd be angry too if I was being attacked by those clothes!

So this is a device that once the attacker figures out is there can remove it and continue on? For the cost of production and retail this doesn't seem worth it to just be "a reminder that it can happen anytime of any day".

Or maybe we can just learn to deal with menopause like women have for thousands of years? Or instead of using creams take oral supplements? I don't pet my cat until I have washed my hands after putting self tanner or icy hot on.

"Tee hee! You're orange like my dress!"

I'm sorry, you seem to have run head first into some terrible college art school project and forgot to stop. Please return the terrible art so the student can at least get a grade. Having your portfolio stolen before a critique is terrible- I know because it happened to me.

@tinytm11: I think that may just be her boobs, unfortunately.