
I really really do not think it could mean transgender or non-heterosexuality...and how is it mediaeval? “Eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven” means essentially, monks. People who have conquered physical desire. “The kingdom of heaven is within you” said Jesus. ...he didnt mean orgasm.

Thats just what I thought. Should be his campaign slogan : “No-one hedges his bets like me”. His symbol should be an arse-polished fence.

You know , its funny how these conservatives go on about the sacredness of marriage, when they’ve all been divorced a million times...and that is the ONE THING Jesus actually said not to do.

But there’s sex and then there’s graphic—makes-you-wish-your-parents-werent-in-the-room sex.

I thought she deleted what she wrote? Isnt tit possible for someone to have an explosive reaction to something...and lets not forget, racists arent born, they are made, they can victims of their environments too...can it not be possible that she has this explosive reaction, then calms and says to herself “God, how

Cant say they havent lived. Those are some intense people. Kid growing up with one of them better get ready...

Have you read the entire list of these ‘prompts’ and not just the Jezebel selection? This is not art, by a long way. If anything, it is really cynical. It seems intended to keep up a flagging notoriety. The modern art world just seems like one gigantic scam, aimed at people who have a lot of sudden money, no taste and

She didnt get raped. She just didnt get raped. Does nobody ever read the background and the details, the experience of the boy concerned...why is her word automatically taken over his? There is no due process here. And what she has done isnt empowering. Its bullying, plain and simple. She ruined someone else’s life

If you read all her ‘prompts’ it becomes clear that this is a propaganda piece, not art. If you make art, uyou have to let people make up their own minds. You dont tell them how to respond. At one point she warns people not to watch ‘without my consent’ that is, unless you watch as she wants you to.

Leaving flowers and teddies...too bad they didnt do that when she was alive. What’s with all this bullying. Either people have got worse at handling it, or its got worse at existing. Are there just more bullies and are they just more scared themselves? when I look back at when I was growing up, it was, day-to-day, a

Its just something I have noticed. It often seems like the feminists of Jezebel are keen to let you know they can catch a man. Compare and contrast: what would you think on a generally male website if the commenters kept irrelevantly bringing in “Mrs motorbikelover” or whatever. You know, maybe a post about getting

Sounds like you cherry-picked the books then and doubtless you had some smart people who helped you do that. I can see what might be the case with maths, as that subject has been severely dumbed down. What you are saying is similar to the way my aunt pretended to be Catholic to get her kid into Catholic school because

Manson Family werent a cult anyway. all the prosecutor’s make-believe.

“Let their women go out scantily dressed..we call that bad parenting’? Wait what? What do you mean, ‘let’ ‘their women’?

Its funny just how many women on Jezebel seem keen to mention they have a husband. Not just threads like this where it might be appropriate, but all over. And it never used to happen. Plus always irritatingly call the husband by Mr My-User-Name.

What, never had a drunken single wrapped pub rose?

So now Tracey Moore doesnt just cut-and-paste from her own articles. She does it from other people’s too. Taking a bunch of comments from reddit and reproducing verbatim isnt research and isnt writing.

I finally watched Star Wars. and I was a kid when it came out and didnt see it.

Im just glad to know I wasnt the only person in the world that happened to, because to find something bright green the size of a gobstopper in your armpit with no warning is beyond gross and yet strangely delightful. why is that, why do we all love ripping scabs and popping things. Anyway, I am sure that was caused by

Hate hate Lena Dunham. “Grow armpit loads of charity..keep ovaries working smoothly”..its just not witty or amusing. I just really hate her and I dont get the adulation. What, just because she’s a bit overweight...well, a bit for this day and age...catastrophically obese for any time up til the that