
Have you ever seen that Mr Bean sketch where he goes through agonies trying to change modestly on the beach because there’s another man sitting nearby...he does all kinds of comical stuff and the gag is, the man was blind anyway. But a Euro friend told me it wouldnt have worked anywhere in Europe, because any European

And all were dressed in white: no pink and blue nonsense. I have actually read those dickhead behaviourists claiming its natural to have pink for girls, because cavewomen gathered berries, and pink/red would let them know when they were ripe, and blue for boys because wide blue skies indicated a good day for hunting:

I went driving in the mountains of Laos couple years ago, through all these hill-tribe villages. Up until about 5, the kids were unselfconsciously naked. It was so cute. Its funny how they then grow into people who have a kind of natural modesty, not a ‘shame’ modesty.

Yes yes yes you do. HK too. I once saw this thing: I was standing on Caine Road and there was an overflowing rubbish bin and a rat was circling it. Smart rat: had realised everyone is scared of HIM! No need to scuttle and hide. Sure enough people came along, heads bent over phones and jumped and squeaked when they saw

And look at her attitude towards Young. "crazy reporter" 'frame me as a hysterical bitch" "violating my privacy"..I cant help wondering if there is more to this story. The girl was co-operating til she saw the messages. and then she reminds me of someone telling the police "I dont know how these drugs got in my

Not really. They are busy college students with a lot going on. a month isnt that long.

Agreed. If somebody has to explain to you that you were raped, then you were not. Sometimes, you just let the guy do his thing because he needs to get off and it'll put him in a good mood. Nowadays if the girl feels icky afterwards, this is rape. Its got absolutely out of hand. And these young women set up all these

You have got to be joking. This is the kind of thing that gives feminism a bad name. "A friend explained t me I was raped". For God's sake. If you didnt know it, you werent. And what exactly does "We begin to have consensual sex...and later he assaults me" mean? I bet anything it means, they started in, he couldnt do

Reply of the century. No. Of the galactic rotation.

Oh for fuck's sake, parents used to do this all the time. Ok, they should have given the kids a blanket and not been an hour. But whenever my parents used to drag us on some fucking country walk, on the way home my dad would always, always, want to stop at a country pub. and we would set up a mighty wail, because it

No, I wasnt. You said he did this because of female bullying and I am saying that he never said girls bullied him..except for one girl as a child.

No, it wasnt ..and dont fight me on this. I really do know everything about this. Susan and Tex Watson both testified they had a baby food jar of very strong speed, base speed, and were secretly using it away from Charlie. Susan had become so strung out on this that she looked a dirty and skeletal wreck, as attested

They are so plain! Now generally, that is a good thing: its great to see how the clone look is vanishing and actors are getting more individual again..but for this, the guy was supposed to be incredibly beautiful and her...well she was meant to be that irritating thing "not pretty at all and just so endearingly

It is a disruption. It is very rude to telegraph your contempt for the rest of the company like that. If culturally you have to go, then culturally consider everyone's feelings. Maybe you dont like people because they dont like you and who can blame them?

The olds? Newsflash, 35 is 'the olds' to a teen. That's you she's talking about. Plus, she doesnt want to talk about different stuff. she wants to shut them down and sideline them.

Its called grooming. Its how people interact. Not everyone is witty and funny on the spot. Lots of people are pre-occupied. They cant be thinking about entertaining you. No matter how important you think you are. Small talk allows people to acknowledge other people's existence.

Goes double for nowadays, because now they can pull out the phone and excuse themselves.

God almighty, you pack of rude self-important bastards. So what do you say to the relatives? Do you have anything interesting to say to them? What is YOUR share in the conversation, well? Or do you just sit there, answer as briefly as possible, and then take out your phone and say.."Sorry, got to take this...'yeah,

Meaning you are able to read more than four lines? I have noticed social media posts longer than 3 or 4 lines now require apologising for. Sam's point was a very good one.

These questions are called 'grooming". When people havent seen each other for a long time they dont know if they yet have anything in common. These questions dont require thought to say or respond to: what they do is set up the human interaction and settle the basic nerves that people tend to feel on talking to