
This, so very very much. We are as one here. And is the Jezebel headline sarcastic? No, it isnt. This is what Jezebel has now become: a home for the absolutely self-obsessed and the half-educated.

So, dear relatives, I feel so entitled, and my time is so important, I cant stop to even converse with you. Its important to me to be completely dismissive and let you know that you are a boring and irrelevant old fool. I am young and pretty and and I want to be sure you know how worthless you are. Plus, I have never

I have just today been reading this 'love-shy forum' and some other stuff. They wont date each other because things have changed. In my young day, people just found their own level. Of course gorgeous people dated gorgeous people. It was mostly the case anyway. Or very confident dated gorgeous, taking all the issues

This week's conspiracy theory.. I bet the whole Sony thing is bollocks and it'll just make sure millions buy it from, like, special secret websites.

but wouldnt commentary end up being all the same? Plus, isnt it useful to be seriously aware there are people like this? If assholes are silenced, they bottle up. They dont go away.

But still, everywhere, it seems, white is more desirable. Today I read some shocking piece about Venezuela's dreadful beauty academies, to turn girls into beauty queens, and it was all about having European looks. Dark-skinned girls, the real indigenous look: no chance. Right on this very page is an ad in Chinese, and

Is that a new word, twatwaffle, because it is a needed word. Evil twatwaffles, how well that sums up girls with shallow feelings about their reputations and their straightened hair and their clothes. Girls who'd drop a friend at once and back her 'hot' rapist.

But if nothing is ever reported, nothing will ever change. I am so sorry you suffered that and maybe you'd be better off in a European nation, but still...rapists used to rape with complete impunity and men could rape their wives...there were no crisis centres and no help for victims and things are better.

Thats not the first time I have seen this story. Girl is raped by bad man. Better men say, lets get this dealt with. Females screech no! Our reputations! You are such a slut!

Arent they great...a feminist knitting circle. And they are women who leap into practical action. I can see how that would be...knitting to occupy the hands while the brain is sharpened by debate...creating a honed and edgy bunch with ferocious organisational skills. This needs to spread around the world.

I fucking hate it too. I wish more people would express violent hate towards these things that masquerade as human. I want to be there when they explain themselves to Jesus and he puts them on the big slide to the lake of in the hell do they think Jesus could ever approve what they do?

Please tell me you dreamed that. I feel sick.

Then a second group will form called Sluts For Satan and before you know it...they'll be at each other's throats.

Just what I thought. "We go in the bathroom for normal vaginal sex". How do they know what is abnormal? And everyone will say internet. In Hong Kong, the family computer is fiercely protected and mother gives the password for homework only. Plus, there is a strong culture of obedience. Course there are running wild

So much what you said. Arent women the absolute worst for calling each other these names? Steubenville again (I followed it in detail) ..but I saw that there! That the girl's male friends called her up and asked if she was ok. Could they help? they were horrified by what could have happened. Her female friends found

Not again! Why?? for God's sake what is wrong with some parts of America?

I did not remotely get the impression that this would have been a financial option, having cars to sell and pensions to raid and all. I noticed not one father mentioned. Struggling single mothers trying to keep things on track, maybe, so private school and serious legal help and all that..

How in the hell are 14 year-olds this sexually active are they out at night like this, smoking dope like this. Brian produces a blunt, that is mixed with a hallucinogen. ..I mean, what? Off int he bathroom at lunchtime for normal vaginal do these girls and boys, these children, know what

She must have meant screaming with the asshole rapist kid said "You were moaning and enjoying it".