Its too bad the song is lousy because the video is not bad. Its no worse than watching a horror movie, I just do not get the fuss. Pretty girl is stalked by psychopath...but its a music video so it has to be arty....
Its too bad the song is lousy because the video is not bad. Its no worse than watching a horror movie, I just do not get the fuss. Pretty girl is stalked by psychopath...but its a music video so it has to be arty....
Oh God, so Jezebel can be even worse. "I excel at avoiding the ubiquitous": what does it even mean? What is this, the Russell Brand School Of Literary Criticism? Of course, I know what it dont need to explain. Its just that this is the kind of pretentious and over-written and over-personalized bollocks I…
absolutely...couldnt agree more. And the line about gender equality and orgasm...just wasnt funny. And Jezebel...I feel like having a funeral for this site. I cant find a single thing I want to read. A lot of 20-something narcissistic girls favouring us with their smug simplistic opinions. I keep checking…
This is the most pretentious thing I ever have tried to read. I mean this review. God, it's boring. What the hell happened to Jezebel? It used to be the dog's bollocks. Now seems to be full of self-obsessed and extremely arrogant girls and have one way of thinking and almost illiterate expression. This is the polar…
Troll emergency services? For real? Is that true? What the hell is wrong with people.
Yeah seriously. Take them back to the minivan, for God's sake. So it was a hassle. Somehow I just know her kids are vilely ill-disciplined and would have started screaming for their food now!
She was trying to be funny. Not well. And is it just me, but I have rarely seen anyone so charismatic. What a pity she's got such views. How awesome if she were a feminist. She has just got something very vibrant about her...I get why men like her.
So just ignore it! Whenever you come into public, you're going to draw some attention. There are a lot of pitiful men out there. Wretches. They havent adjusted well to the loss of male power, so they try to strike back by scaring women. and I cant believe that any woman is even admitting she might be scared. That is…
Safety? What danger is being created here? Surely to God, grown up people do not need to be protected from pictures.
I am seriously not trying to be sarky here...but arent these people trying to get a rise out of everyone? Doesnt it make them feel powerful when they use up people's valuable time reporting it and dealing with it? If it was just ignored and not spoken of, treated as invisible, surely it would just stop? This seems so…
That is an interesting point. I often think, reading Jezebel, that many of the women here, especially younger ones, just have no idea about men at all. I was reading some other thing not long ago about a guy who is in college and how his class is full of very pretty girls wearing hardly anything..and how he simply…
well, I had never even heard of it before... so it raised this person's awareness, maybe a many more, who knows.
Oh don't! Just don't! Why'd you have to do that! Just so others could suffer too! Now I am forced to find out about it or it will really prey on me.
You've read the cracked lists too!
No, weirdest thing I have seen, courtesy of is a fanfic where the squid in the lake mated with the actual Hogwarts building and some character being raped by Tetris. Yep, Tetris blocks. Pinned down and violated. Plus a million word fanfic about Biker Mice From Mars. One million words. Cracked has a whole…
that is one cool gif. Brilliant. Its just how I felt.
Its become totally mainstream. "Normal Female Interest In Men Bonking" as someone put it, forget who.
I will say National Health docs can be just the same. I went at aged 24 with agonizing and terrifying back pain that was cutting off the nerves so I collapsed several times. I was absolutely crippled. doc refused to even examine me and informed me I was trying to get painkillers to abuse. Seriously. It was severe…
That story alone says why National health is better. Your insurance wouldnt pay, you had to make financial decisions while that was going on. Jesus Christ.
Yeah. Baby's Head/birth canal. Intelligent design.