
and said Catholic hospital of course did not give her birth control. the very words "Catholic' combined with 'hospital' just shouldnt be allowed.

assume that was satirical...

Could you tell me, is it true, that in the US if you have no health insurance, you get no pain relief during labour? I just finished reading "The Corner" which is true stuff, and here was Tyreeks, aged 14, 10 hours of labour, and no pain relief given.

Oh my God, seriously? If she got pregnant again, could it just rupture? Oh pregnancy and birth are horrible things. I so despise those women who have a go at mothers who did everything they could to make it painless.

After reading all the horrors of birth and the appalling things that can go wrong that people are talking about here it makes me scream even more to the heavens about those bastards denying abortion on the grounds that it is dangerous and they are only thinking about women's health. Yes abortions lead to bloodclots

You sound killable.

God, isnt it? Why do we treat older people like this? Surely we know we are going to hate it ourselves. 'Now, why dont you drink your nice tea, hmmm?" that kind of shit. Call me adorable, bitch, I'll say. See if my walker can trip you right the fuck up.

please check the Avon youtubes I posted in response to you will love.

Now playing

Then you would have loved Avon from Blake's 7 played by the incomparably beautiful Paul Darrow. No use to look at him in stills though, he's the kind of person you need to see moving and talking. No man ever looked like that, I promise you. Interestingly Benedict Cumberbatch is about the only actor seriously put

Right, I dearly dearly hope that is true. Because I used to have a boyfriend in the Army and he had an unarmed combat instructor who had a wife and 3 daughters and had taught them all to fight, in the process learning a lot about what women fear. So he set up some free classes in self-defense. Within a few months he

No it really is true. Those kind of men never listen to a word you say, anytime you take your eyes away, they look at your body, they just regard you as only a piece of meat. Why would such a man be worth having? That isnt 'declining options', losing the interest of creeps. Honestly, it really isnt nice to be hit on

Now playing

Seems to me to be a lot of confused thinking here. There is always agreement on Jezebel that 'real women', 'curves' and any other indicators of just normal progression of life are beautiful. So there was a picture of an 80 year old woman modelling in lingerie and all these comments about how beautiful it is...there

Yes! I have noticed that! The men saying that women of 5'6" should only weigh 100 they realise what that would actually look like? I think they actually have no idea.

That was never said, hinted, or implied.

so you dont want to show your life on your face and all the other things people on here claim all the time? I was actually offended by the whole Christie Brinkley thing, like I am by all those focuses on "look how amazing she looks at whatever age" stuff. The Daily Mail's Femail page and Showbiz page has a sidebar:

If a man were to write some article about why he likes women to be on the large side, there'd be this same offended I-don't-need-your-validation stuff. I dont reckon there is anything at all men can say about their sexual preferences right now. It's getting ridiculous.

yes absolutely. What he said was perfectly fine. He didnt at any time say that women older than this age are not attractive, yet lots here are acting as if he did.

It was sarcasm.

well that is really no better than some 'game' asshole calling women targets and saying pump them and dump them.

That's right. Because that's what's arousing to women, those social and professional connections. And the money. All women are whores etc, etc.